Eternia: Battlegrounds

by Writing A New One
for a game so brand new, this game reaches 15-20 pretty quickly. And it has less than 30 fans at the momment. Now, I understand the game has to be down for X amount of time to do testing. And with those up and downs comes a player wipe everytime, which can quickly kill a fan base alpha/ beta testers if they know they will only get to play for 2 hours at a time, to start all over.

So, why not just have a server on of a certain build till the -next- day, then a wipe. Or, not even be pressured to update the server that day, and just keep it on so players can get a feel for the game, all the while knowing the game is going ina positive direction of being updated.

I'd hate to see the fan base be smaller than beta release because players were so off turned to play simply because they didnt want to start over again as frequently as they had to deal with 2 hours of testing at a time.

If the problem is money for a server, hey, I will donate to that right now. I want to see this game go somewhere, and I have no problem supporting a server of some kind .

Byond's Gangsta
Well, the alpha testers are mostly from people who were given the link on Eternia. We're not really trying to build a community at the moment or expose the game to BYOND. I'm sure that'll happen once we climb the frontpage ranks after release, though.

The game is very barebones. It's not a great first impression. We plan to host a 24/7 server online once we've:

-Added the city capture guild event.
-The dynamic public quests are in.
-Remade all the shopkeepers/lootlists.
-Various smaller things.