In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
remember rod?

Rod's fucking hilarious. He's absolutely brilliant. Funniest troll on BYOND by far.

So stereotypical black pretenses are your cup of tea? Stupid white people.
If I could rate the users who made me laugh the most on this site ( in order ), it'd be:

1. Developous ( hands down the greatest ever )
2. Falacy ( best shit talker on the site )
3. Tenkichi ( am I the only one who remembers this guy? an absolute legend, boys )
4. Baird ( he's like, Falacy Jr. basically. really good shit talker and his incoherent outbursts are pretty entertaining, the only difference is Falacy actually makes games. I'm not sure what Baird makes )
5. TheDarkChakra ( a man who needs no introduction )

Other people on the site are funny too but my top 5 include people who make me laugh consistently. lmao

[edit] old but gold
Yut Put wrote:
i remember when thedarkchakra posted that on every single thread and hub i had ever made

and thats when you learned an important life lesson: don't fuck with TDC
In response to EmpirezTeam
Seeing EmpirezTeam salt the wound and twist the knife in Falacy after NEStalgia got a lot of exposure is a very fond memory of mine.

EmpirezTeam wrote:
Drama was at it's best back when NEStalgia launched and was still pretty new. That was REAL drama. It got to a point where Silk didn't even have to participate in the conversation - just the mere mention of his name would rustle so many jimmies that people who didn't even use the forums or participate in blog discussions would suddenly appear out of nowhere to throw in their 2 cents about how much of a twat Silk was. If you said anything even remotely nice about NEStalgia, you'd get flamed by 15 different people instantly calling you a "dick rider".

Wow. This description is not only very accurate, it also perfectly describes the reaction to a certain presidential candidate from the 2016 cycle...

Looking back, it is pretty clear that I was the Donald Trump of BYOND circa 2009-2011.

Some interesting parallels in terms of perception:
  • "Donald Trump is a clueless failed businessman"
    • "SilkWizard is a shitty developer and has never finished a game"
  • "Trump is racist who hates immigrants"
    • "Silk is an anime hater who wants to get rid of fan games"
  • "Trump steals from his contractors and bullies journalists"
    • "Silk bans/steals from his players and bullies anyone who calls him out"
  • "Drumpf is going to destroy America!"
    • "FabricMage is going to destroy BYOND!"
  • "Trump's plan to run in the Republican primary is going to fail miserably"
    • "Silk's plan to market NEStalgia is going to fail miserably"
  • Three Months Later: "Anyone who thinks that a reality TV star who is a relic from the 80s could actually win the Presidency is delusional"
    • Three Years Later: "Anyone who thinks that a BYOND game - much less a shitty game like NEStalgia with 80s graphics - could actually get on Steam is delusional"
In terms of the reality of what I was up to back then, a lot of the posts/statements that I made were exaggerated just to get a rise out of people. The more that people overreacted to everything that I did, the more I played up all the things that they hated about me. At first I "did it for the lulz", but eventually realized that it was giving me a much larger soapbox that I could use to get my ideas heard and promote projects, so I kept up the act for the exposure and the lulz.

The story also panned out much the same way as the 2016 election; many people weren't just rooting for me to fail, but fully believed that my efforts to promote NEStalgia would never work. When I "won", a sizable percentage of them completely lost their minds.

Anyway, I didn't write all of this as an endorsement of Trump nor as some sort of in-depth analysis. I just think the similarities are funny, and that maybe I ought to start s***posting again before I release a new game.
What ever happened to Lugia? Always such a ray of sunshine but I'm like 90% sure everyone just blocked him.
speak of the devil and he shall appear.
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Don't threaten me with a good time. ;)

PS. The capitalized 'i's in the html tags trigger the fuck out of me...
In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
PS. The capitalized 'i's in the html tags trigger the fuck out of me...

Same. I'm on mobile and it auto capitalized them. Lol
In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
What ever happened to Lugia?

Everybody that's active pretty much agreed to block him so he couldn't contribute to shit up any threads.

I think around the point he started actively bringing drama into Developer Help to turn off new developers from the community/engine was the point where more stringent actions were taken.

hes probably going to use some excuse to chicken out, i.e. "i'm tied up with podcast work all this week", "gotta raise my daughter", "have to take my wife to her yoga class"
In response to SilkWizard
SilkWizard wrote:
maybe I ought to start s***posting again before I release a new game.

before I release a new game.

a new game.

Yut Put wrote:
Silk money match me $100 24 hour game jam I'll destroy you

I don't know what a 24 hour game jam is but it sounds like you're challenging my honor so I have no choice but to accept.
In response to SilkWizard
SilkWizard wrote:
Yut Put wrote:
Silk money match me $100 24 hour game jam I'll destroy you

I don't know what a 24 hour game jam is but it sounds like you're challenging my honor so I have no choice but to accept.

If I'm analyzing his challenge correctly, both of you put up $100 and have 24 hours to develop a game. At the end of the 24 hours, you submit your projects, community votes on which is the best and whoever wins takes home $200.

[edit] and you can't rely on Ballsack to help you. this is a 1v1 match.
50 cent weighs in on the challenge.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
SilkWizard wrote:
Yut Put wrote:
Silk money match me $100 24 hour game jam I'll destroy you

I don't know what a 24 hour game jam is but it sounds like you're challenging my honor so I have no choice but to accept.

If I'm analyzing his challenge correctly, both of you put up $100 and have 24 hours to develop a game. At the end of the 24 hours, you submit your projects, community votes on which is the best and whoever wins takes home $200.

[edit] and you can't rely on Ballsack to help you. this is a 1v1 match.
Ohhhhh, ohhhhh this is history in the making.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
If I'm analyzing his challenge correctly, both of you put up $100 and have 24 hours to develop a game. At the end of the 24 hours, you submit your projects, community votes on which is the best and whoever wins takes home $200.

Thanks, that's what I figured but I wasn't sure.

EmpirezTeam wrote:
[edit] and you can't rely on Ballsack to help you. this is a 1v1 match.

Well damn. An important part of my process is having Jared sitting next to me smoking hookah and watching crappy anime while I slave away at my computer.

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