Oh wait, my bad. BYOND actually displays them proudly on the front page of the games section.
We also have a thread where sources are being given away in an effort to pump up donations,
Edit: That was removed. soon after this post was made
I'm also willing to reckon' that a huge chunk of the contributions BYOND has received over it's lifetime are from anime fans who play this illegal content.
Is this really ethical? BYOND is clearly benefiting from this illegal content. I would even go so far as to say it's creating a serious conflict of interest between financial security and ethical behavior. I'm also not a lawyer, but it looks bad just from my untrained eye.
You don't want to be associated with illegal fan games? then maybe you should ban them. At the very least, your allowing people to take illegal actions on your forums and your letting fan games slip onto the front page of your game library.
Because right now, BYOND's current policy to illegal sources/fan games seems to be this:
"We don't want to be associated with you, but we'll take your money and let you thrive on our site."
All I'm asking for is some consistency on the matter. You can't say one thing and do another, there needs to a be a clear line where these activities need to stop.
This is definitely a heavy topic of discussion, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it.