BYOND Version:510
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
ping = 0
ping_id = 0
ping(time as num)
set instant = 1
set hidden = 1
set waitfor = 0
ping = (world.time+world.tick_lag*world.tick_usage/value)-time
var/lping = (ping_id+1)%10000000
ping_id = lping


When you login you receive the error "Unrecognized or inaccessible verb: ping" but when you try to run it via Command, it works as expected.
This is inadequate for a bug report. At the very least you need a code snippet.
In response to Lummox JR
Edited the main post.
I don't think the verb being hidden is a problem. I think the issue is that you call it immediately from client/New(), but winsets and verbs aren't guaranteed to be valid till Login().
In response to Lummox JR
When I remove the set hidden, it works dandy, so...
it happens regardless of call point. I had it running in subsystem on /tg/ and it would just end up spamming invalid/inaccessable verb error messages on the client.
I'll take a look at this next week and see what comes up.
I tried this out, and discovered two things:

1) There's already a built-in ping command that's being executed instead of this one. That's probably one reason for the issue.

2) If I renamed the client verb to pingme, and also made the appropriate changes to the winset() and made the first call in mob/Login() instead of client/New(), the proc was called as expected with no errors.

Basically I can't verify there's any general problem with hidden client verbs. In fact I tried a simple generic call at first and it went perfectly.

set hidden = 1
src << "Hidden verb!"

I also tried the code that was originally posted, not even changing the client/New() part, and had no problems.

As it stands now, I can't reproduce this issue. I'm not getting an unrecognized command error. If you have a test project that shows this where somehow this snippet alone did not, by all means please send it along.
Lummox JR changed status to 'Unverified'
oh. this bug!

Try update_ping for the name. (or anything with ping in it on it's own "word" since _ is treated as a space)

(hint: ID:2145878)