runtime error: Cannot read null.icon_size
proc name: update o (/obj/screen/parallax_layer/proc/update_o)
source file:,247
/obj/screen/parallax_layer/proc/update_o(view = world.view)
var/list/new_overlays = list()
var/count = Ceiling(view/480/world.icon_size) //<--- line 247
for(var/x in -count to count)
for(var/y in -count to count)
if(x == 0 && y == 0)
var/image/I = image(icon, null, icon_state)
I.transform = matrix(1, 0, x*480, 0, 1, y*480)
new_overlays += I
overlays = new_overlays
view_sized = view
/proc/Ceiling(x, y=1)
return -round(-x / y) * y
I'm just gonna make a guess here, world is not suppose to be null.
Happens after world init, so it's not that, Happens in 510 and 511.1366 (with a clean compile between testing)
If I had to take a guess, it's the default arg in the proc being a world dot access. I remember there being a bug around reference dot accesses and default args.