Greetings! And welcome to the Roleplay based game Xenosphere. When you first find your way here some things can most certainly seem a bit confusing and for that particular reason this Guide is meant to help you get down some of the basics, so you can enjoy this fascinating world to it's fullest extend!
In Character and Out Of Character
This is as described above a Roleplaying game, upon creating your character you act as if you were the individual in a new world for example if you create a Saiyan you no longer type and act like a guy infront of the computer screen but you pretend to be your character. You may give them motives and a background as you please so long as it doesn't divert too far from the source material. You also don't use netspeak like for example: L0L!, Rekktd!, m8, how r u?. You are expected to be literal to type from your characters perspective and that is refered to as 'In Character' if you feel like just having a chat as -yourself- with others about the game or any other topic you may use the OOC verb which stands for 'Out of Character' here people usually have a nice chat about the most common things, don't be shy, communicate with your fellow players but do keep IC and OOC seperate at all times. For example if you really dislike a person OOCly that shouldn't drive you to go after their Character ICly.
God Modding
When in combat or attempting to do anything that negativly impacts another player you are meant to watch your wording, an example for God Modding would be: John hits Jacob so hard that he knocks him out! Unless the power difference between you and your enemy is unmeasurably high you can't be certain of this outcome and even if you are much stronger they might be hiding their Power or have something up their sleeve the correct way to word it and avoid being accused of 'God Modding' would be: John dashed towards Jacob, his left arm pulled back, his hand balled up into a solid fist as he -attempted- (Keyword) to slam it into his chest. Just lay your wording out to not be certain of a specific outcome, you never know what might happen!
This is quite important too for it's prohibited but what exactly is Metagaming? Well, as explained above we already learned what In Character and Out Of Character means, let's say you are playing the game with friends and you are in an external Chat such as Skype, Discord, Steam, TeamSpeak or even the Byond Pager your friend could find himself in a dire situation, like getting attacked by another Player and even if he informs you of that happening through third party programs you are -not- allowed to come to his aid unless he has the means to ICly (In Character) contact you even if it may be hard you should resist the urge of using OOC (Out of Character) knowledge to affect Events that happen In Character. Another example is let's say you know OOCly that there is something neat like a Simulator (A device that spawn a hologram for you to spar) somewhere, you shouldn't just head there with that information and even if you come across something you do not know of you should learn how to use it as your character before doing so. Third example if you are walking across Earth and find a Dragonball should they be created you are not meant to suddenly take off collecting them without your character even knowing of their purpose! By now you should get the general gist of things, only use knowledge that is ICly at your disposal do not let outter influences drive your motives or decisions respectivly.
Life Experience
This is a var in your status tab that grows with any kind of training you do, it is not directly tied to your gains but you can rather draw advantage of it to see how -much- you improved overall. It goes up faster if you do training that benefits your character so for example you can compare it on different occassions to different kinds of training. Such as sparring, Self-Training and Meditating on the latter keep in mind that your Life Experience won't increase if you have your meditation focus (Other Tab > Stat Focus > Magic/Int) set to improve either your Intelligence or your Magic. More to that in the next section.
Magic and Intelligence
You can set your stat focus as described above to focus on one of the two trees we have to offer in this game. Technology for example will make your character smarter, make him or her discover new things or inventions persay with a rising Intelligence Percentage more and more useful items will find their way into your knowledge, as in be at your disposal to be made. The same factors in the Magic sections, both trees offer different possibilities and objects.
Decline & Generations
The game also features the possibility of mating with another player aslong as both are part of a sexual and not asexual race (For example Namekians) the next generation is an important aspect as your character that you trained up will eventually fall victim to the teeth of time and grow old and weak, given that they live that long of course. Roleplaying intercourse between races also known as ERP or 'Cybering' is prohibited to protect our younger audience. However, growing old and dying isn't the end of things! You can create an offspring to carry on your legacy for each character recieves one passworded 'Mating Slot' if you'd like to have a family and eventually have someone else make into your kid, you can let them or use this default slot for yourself, you could also simply buy another unpassworded Mating Slot for anyone to use via our RPP Tree, more to that in the next section.
Roleplay Points (RPP) and the Skill Tree
Through using the 'Say' verb to communicate In Character or the 'Emote' verb to describe your actions (For Example: John picks up a book from the nearby shelf, opening it up and starts to read) You recieve Roleplaypoints as award for your efforts, spamming point and senseless things in 'Say' or 'Emote' however is prohibited please keep it reasonable and don't break any of our rules. You can spend these earned Roleplaypoints on various things such as: Energy (Main resource drained while preforming techniques or attacking, determines how long you can Self-Train too), Battle Power (The Universal power measurement scale, the higher your Battle Power the higher your characters overall efficency), Magic and Intelligence Experience (If spent on these you'll gain some experience towards the respective Tech Tree, opposed to meditation which is the only other way to do so), Resources and Mana (Respective Material used for any Technology or Magic Objects you can create vital to do so). And last but not least you can save them up to invest them into powerful skills - you could of course be taught some but like this you can ICly develop them on your own! Check out the 'Role Play Points' var in the other tab for an accurate Overview of what is available.
Mating & Offsprings
While we already dived into this topic above there are some things worth adressing about it that deserve their own respective section. Children that are created by two characters mating with one other will inherit some of their parents traits and likely be stronger then the first generation (As an example from the show Goten was born pretty late and was stronger then both his father and his brother at his respective age!) Second generations and beyond (Third, fourth and so on) also have the possibility of rolling Mutations which can make them vastly different from prior generations, the chance of rolling some is likely and there are many! So even if your second gen character may not seem like much right of the bat stick to it and discover the secret of your genes! There are also 'Traits' which can be rolled by any Generation of characters opposed to Mutations. There is no way of telling what you have or what it might be - but it asures that most characters will be unique and the potential is almost limitless!
Stats Explained!
When you look at your 'Stats' tab you might be confused for starters so let's go over each individual stat and descibe their respective purpose.Energy was already adressed above. Strength, strenght determines how much damage you deal with a successfully inflicted punch or kick in combat and also determines how much weight you can possibly lift. Durability as opposed to Strength higher durability too affects your lift but also how much less damage you take from a punch to your face, if your Durability heavily outweights your enemies Strenght chances are that you will be able to tank a good bunch of hits prior to being sent down on the ropes. Force, when your character develops and your energy increases or through the Roleplaypoint Skill tree you'll sooner or later learn precious Ki Attacks that are known by any Dragonball Fan out there, you channel your inner energy into devastating attacks and if your Force is high the damage you inflict on an enemy -if- it hits will be higher respectivly the opposing stat to this is Resistance which works how Strenght to Durability if your Resistance stat is high you will be less 'Weak' to energy based damage. Speed - this one is tricky for it doesn't change for your lifetime you are either Extremly Fast or Very Slow - or something in between speed determines how fast you can throw out punches, blasts and the wind up time inbetween. Offense now this one is quite important, for every punch or blast you throw your offense must be high in order to successfully connect the hit if your enemy has much higher Defense for example chances are that they will deflect your blasts or evade your punches. Unseen Stats: Recover & Regeneration. Recovery determines how quickly your energy recovers and Regeneration is how fast your Health regenerates.
Let's dive into the possibilities of training at your disposal when you made a character, you can Self-Train or Meditate or use your Attack verb to engage in a friendly sparring match with a fellow player. Self Training consists of push-ups, cardio workouts and the likes and will be used primarly to increase your Strenght and Durability stats. Meditation will increase your Force or Resistance so long as you don't have your Stat Focus set to increase your Intelligence or Magic you'll have to decide for one or swap between the varying focuses. Offense & Defense those are primarly gained through sparring another player, or using for example Punching Bags or Magic Goos (Just stand to the left of them and start hitting them with your 'Attack' verb).
There are quite a few Planets you can travel to if you get the opportunity during your character's lifetime other then the various races that inhabit them there is a difference in Gravity aswell, if you look down at the bottom right corner of the game window you will see it displayed likes this: Gravity: 1x (Sample) If you were born on a Planet with 1x Gravity and choose to travel to another keep in mind that you'll have to be wary of the respective change in Gravity, for not being able to handle it could result in all of your bones being broken and eventually even your own early death.
As adressed above Gravity for example can break your bones, this expands to general combat too of course in your Other Tab you have the option to 'Toggle Pull Punches' you should never do this in a friendly sparring match but rather when your character wishes to go all out - and fight seriously. If you are strong enough and the power difference between your enemy and yourself is great chances are that you could even break some of their bones by simply hitting them! Should you wish to do so but couldn't during combat you can use the 'Injure' verb on downed opponents to inflict them that way. Injuries respectivly lower your efficency, cause let's be real here you won't fight aswell with a broken leg, or arm for that matter to recover from an injury you shouldn't train for a while and sit down grant your body the rest or it'll never fully heal.
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