Beamizing += 0.5
while(Beamizing == 0.5)
while(Beamizing == 1)
new /obj/Beam
loc = usr.loc
if(Beamizing > 1)
Beamizing = 0
density = FALSE
icon = 'Beam.dmi'
src.loc = usr.loc
src.loc = src.loc
src.dir = usr.dir
src.dir = usr.dir
dir = dir
while(loc != null)
Steps += 1
if(Steps > 25)
del src
Problem description: I'm trying to make a beam, similar to something you'd see in a shonen anime like Dragon Ball. I've tried a lot of different ways to make them work, this is just the most recent one. The issue I'm having with this is that it just creates two pieces of the beam, and nothing happens beyond that. It just stops.
I tried to be pretty clear in the comments, but if you don't understand, press f1 while in the dreammaker application, make sure you're on the topic tab, and type in the phrase you don't seem to get. You should get really familiar with this, it's something never provided in any other compiler I used and it's VERY important for self-improvement.
Ah, also, I used spaces instead of tabs,meaning you'll have to type it out instead of copy pasting, its something I used to hate people for doing, but it'll prevent you from simply copy pasting this into your code, and even if you don't understand everything you type, you should at least understand some