Hey! I remember seeing some ss13 dev's showing off some of byond's newer features in the show off mega thread awhile back.
I was wondering what servers are more up to date? The site says paradise station is the most up to date version but I swear I also seen some screens of a ss13 server using plane master to make some sweet lighting fx. The only other server I have dabbled on is TGS13 btw so feel free to suggest any others that may be worthwhile !
Thanks in advance.
![]() Dec 7 2016, 4:59 pm
Of course, where their coding priorities goes is a different thing. And really from my experience whether a server has fancy graphical effects basically boils down to "was there a coder that cared enough to code/port it."
As for the specific server that's doing those fancy lighting tricks, that's EuropaStation, which is a complete rework of the game set on an underwater planet and AFAIK no other server ported their lighting system yet.
An image somebody gave me really quickly, not great but I can't be bothered to dig deeper:
Goonstation made a 509-based lighting system that uses some colour matrix based trickery to make it really ~smooth~, which they're still running AFAIK. Not as great as the 510 planes one Europa uses but it was the best of its time. I ended up creating my own system using the same method based on theirs which is currently running on the server I contribute to, /vg/station.
Meanwhile servers like TG still don't even have coloured lighting.
There's a huge amount of difference and you're honestly best just looking around and observing on each server.
Oh, and you can probably safely ignore the "website" (http://spacestation13.com, right?). It was made for a remake attempt that failed and repurposed, but all the information on it is highly out of date if it's even correct at all anymore.
The most "neutral" hub you're gonna find for SS13 related things is the subreddit at https://reddit.com/r/ss13.