Anyway, special shoutout to Ter, because I've been getting back into game design lately and he has seriously answered every single question that I've had to search these forums for. I know a lot of you newbies probably see him as a cynical asshole (because he is; sticking around here long enough does that to you), but he is seriously BYOND's GoaT. I've looked up to you since the day I started using these forums... nine years is a long time to look up to somebody. Keep on doing what you do man, I hope you know just how much serious developers on here appreciate all of the work you've done over the years.
Another shoutout to Flick, who showed off his awesome looking new raycasting system literally as soon as I had finished spending a whole day working on a way to make a cone of vision.

Thanks for making me feel inferior, buddy!
And of course a special shoutout to Lummox (and Tom, who will probably never see this) for doing all of the awesome work he has done over the years. You're an amazing soul and you've helped an entire generation of people truly make their own net dreams. You're a great guy and I have nothing but respect for you.
Maybe in 7 months I'll do another one of these posts. My track record says that in 7 months I will have abandoned this project and moved on from the website again, but I'm really hoping that won't happen. I want to release a game on Steam before I'm 30 and I just don't have the time or energy to learn a new programming language. The wave of developers suddenly making their way to Steam has really given me the kick in the ass I've needed for a long time.
The only reason I ever quit programming here in the first place is because I got screwed out of a lot of money by a shady developer that seems to be doing fairly well for himself now. My wife was pregnant and at the time I was making enough money doing freelance work on here and charging for premium bullshit in a fangame (lol) to see this as a viable career choice. After losing out on all of my time and money, I had to get a real job. My wife ended up losing the baby, but I kept the job and just kind of... never had enough time or ambition to get into it again. Such is life.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here's a picture of my son being adorable.

Also doubles as a picture of my wife being obsessed with filters.
Happy holidays everyone! Hopefully I'll have enough of my new project done to start showing off some features soon.