This library includes a rudimentary day/night handler, tint-able spotlighting, as well as support for emissive and occlusive masking!
Bring a whole new layer of immersion and depth to your worlds with the most advanced lighting library on BYOND!
Library has been completely rebuilt and massively improved. Now supports emissive and occlusion masking, allowing for special "glow" and lighting effects on atoms, as well as letting certain atoms be capable of blocking the glow of atoms behind them!
Was brought to my attention that there was a minor bug that prevented the spotlight from showing up properly. Not sure how that happened, but either way -- it's fixed now!
Reuploaded and updated to include a native day/night system. NOTE: This renders my old daynight library obsolete.
Updated to now include support for custom sizes and intensities of your spotlights!
Consider buying me a coffee!
Should be super easy to implement into your games and should also be a great example to learn about the PLANE_MASTER feature with.
Happy Developing!