![]() Nov 29 2016, 12:11 pm
I promise I plan to respond to this, but my usual method of "refute internally --> back up with statistics --> write formal post" is failing me here because I don't know of any studies off the top of my head that refute your claims. You've given me a lot to think about.
I'd put my cents in to combat this nonsense but it doesn't even matter. I live in Columbus where no one's mentally retarded enough to believe or spread this kind of bullshit. We're the type of city to get a terrorist attack and not 1 person dies.
If you do not understand why the most crimes are committed by us minority then this conversation isn't worth having. That's the bad kind of autism that plagues this country. |
Unwanted4Murder wrote:
I promise I plan to respond to this, but my usual method of "refute internally --> back up with statistics --> write formal post" is failing me here because I don't know of any studies off the top of my head that refute your claims. You've given me a lot to think about. This is the wrong method. If you refute before considering statistics, you will find that the statistics don't suit your refutation. This is exactly what happened to the minimum wage argument. "People shouldn't be living on minimum wage while working full-time". Yeah, and they aren't. |
I have committed crimes (hacking they would call it, or whatever) against every major candidate in the election. I have proof and evidence on my computer, I have posted to media outlets, and no one seems to care.
And that's okay, because when the feds come knocking, I don't mind admitting to my crimes. I don't even need a plea bargain. I'm just so sad, I'm so empty now. I don't have anyone to love, to live for, to work for. I accept my actions, and I'm okay. My family knows too, in case this happens so it won't surprise them. |
800 + hate crimes and harassments "that have been reported" since the yellow oaf got elected to ascend.
And people still complaining that race doesn't exist and racism is a myth,Black Lives Matters doesn't matter, etc etc. Just wake up, or don't. I forget, it doesn't exist until it happens to *you*, and by then you shouldn't complain. Today's bigots don't just discriminate, they dominate. Financially, manipulate the poor into being their unwitting pawns (I see it first hand by living in mississippi where the poor, ignorant white folks reason for voting Trump is simply "so the blacks can't have anything" --their quote not mine) Meanwhile, the elite drain their pocket, kick them down the ladder and tell them that anyone who doesn't resemble them is "the enemy". And it's all been made easy for them. MS has been repub ruled since forever. And we are the dirt poorest, dumbest nation in the union give or take. Yet it has never occurred once to the residents here that MAYBE THEIR elected officials are the ones who are screwing everyone over. Yep. Cognitive dissonance at it's best. Are you suffering? If you dismiss someone's reality off hand simply because it doesn't apply or affect you, you too may be suffering from slight brain washing, stereo typical mind melding and years of ignorance perpetuated by no actual fact. |
Also to address ET, whites actually have a higher crime rate among all ethnic groups in america. They simply don't get charged for it.
You should probably study a little more if you'd like to confront someone with "facts". You stopped following the movement when people got upset after years and years of abuse, lies and slick handed treatment -- what about that Boston Tea Party though? What about that revolutionary war? Did you know that the same weekend black people were rioting due to a community being destroyed by racism, there were white kids rioting -- for shits and giggles. The police chalked it up to "harmless fun" as they flipped cars, smashed windows of businesses, and destroyed public property. I'll just stop. I realize that people like yourself will never admit , no matter how much evidence is placed in front of them that a great deal of shit that goes on in this country is the fault of bigots (not white people at large, just bigots) Clowns disappeared after Trump got elected....anyone else notice that? Not a scandal in the news lately.... Not a shooting (mass shooting) for weeks after the election whereas before everyday there was literally 1 mass shooting per week But I'm just...pulling smoke out of my ass I suppose. P.S. 90% average give or take(on white on white crime rates/figures),with almost 90% of THOSE crimes resulting in death or serious bodily harm. In the last year alone, there have been atleast 20 mass shootings committed by white people in the US. somehow you only hear about shooters who's skin is a little darker though. Marinate.Marinate. Exhale. |
"This is why you're all going out of business" lmfao, he's been incredibly savage lately. |
Was Trump truly anybody's candidate? Was Clinton? Practically no one wanted this outcome. Same with the alternative. For half of America this is the consolation prize; for the other half, at least they can feel good about Miley Cyrus fleeing the country. Rofl lmfao, My vote was Herbally Chickton, I don't know why he dropped out and how D.T Won lmfao. |
Avidanimefan wrote:
800 + hate crimes and harassments "that have been reported" since the yellow oaf got elected to ascend. Most of which are either fake, never happened, or worst of all, not even a hate crime or harassment. And it's all been made easy for them. MS has been repub ruled since forever. And we are the dirt poorest, dumbest nation in the union give or take. And Michigan has been democrat rules since forever and has some of the worst homicide rates in the country despite having strict gun laws. The industry in Michigan is dead. Do we blame the democrats? Also to address ET, whites actually have a higher crime rate among all ethnic groups in america. They simply don't get charged for it Completely false. Whites make up 60% of the arrests in the US but make up around 65% of the population. Blacks, on the other hand, make up 30% of arrests, but are 13% of the population. We see here a vast overrepresentation in black crime which gets even worse when you realize blacks and whites both do about 50% of the homicides in the US each. But blacks make up only 13% of the population. But of course, pointing this out just leads to the "police are racist" instead of the more natural conclusion that blacks just commit more crimes. Did you know that the same weekend black people were rioting due to a community being destroyed by racism, there were white kids rioting -- for shits and giggles. The police chalked it up to "harmless fun" as they flipped cars, smashed windows of businesses, and destroyed public property. Ah yes. The good old, "white people do it too so it's okay". Of course I don't think your white kids rioting thing has any credence. If you're referring to... say... the #NotMyPresident riots, there has been an arrest rate of about 1% to my knowledge. With millions in property damage. Problem is, how do you charge a mob? In the last year alone, there have been at least 20 mass shootings committed by white people in the US. This is a pretty dishonest statistic tbh. While true, it shouldn't detract from the fact that blacks make up a very disproportionate amount of crime. |
I think a little bit of disagreement on reality can be forgiven from time to time when the realities white and black Americans tend to face are pretty different.
We have a problem in national discourse right now, where there is this massive divide in urban and rural thinking that causes this sort of polarized image of the world. If you live in a small town, and watch the news about what goes on in our urban centers, I imagine that to you, cities look like a warzone filled with black gangbangers and illegal immigrant coke mules shooting up police stations and god knows what else. Whereas if you live in the city, the same could be said for the rougher areas of town where faux-journalist parasites like to congregate. There is an inherent racial bias in the media. Furthermore, there's a very skewed sense of priorities focused more on ratings and cover sales than actually presenting the news. Racial violence, mass shootings, police slayings, they are all symptoms of other ills we don't talk about and we refuse to acknowledge and fix. Who you are and where you live very much shapes your window to the world. I live in a predominantly black, predominantly poor neighborhood. Gunshots and police standoffs are part of my daily life. Seeing it first hand, as a white man living in a black neighborhood, I can pretty firmly say that the actual crime going on here is not itself a major problem. A little disorderly conduct here and there, an awful lot of dope slinging, a fair amount of domestic disputes and some minor vandalism are really all we see. Police coming out here ready for a gunfight every night are actively worsening the situations. Most of the gunfire in my area is directed at police or from police responding to an incident. Yes, most of the guys out here carrying weapons are doing so illegally, but it's awfully hard to carry a legal firearm when you've been to jail twice for selling drugs to make ends meet because the job situation is so bad and the school systems are utterly gutted to the point of being little more than juvenile diversion centers. Of course they are committing a crime --the criminal justice system has left them few other options because our prison system is punitive, and not rehabilitative in nature. You have very few opportunities to recover after going to jail once, and frankly in urban centers, being poor itself is a crime in all but name. To be completely frank, I know a good portion of my neighbors have served time, and are probably actively engaged in theft/bootlegging/drug pushing. I'm still much more comfortable walking up and having a few words with one of them than I am any officer that's sent into my area on patrol. At least the actual criminal is going to treat me with respect and not be ready for a fight the entire time I'm around him. Crime is definitely present in my area. But not because the problem is crime. Crime is a problem where I live because poverty has been all but criminalized. |
There you go again Ter, With the fucking Long Speeches taking me forever to read, I'm just going to start reading the first sentence then the Last.
Well then. I don't think this forum is intended for you considering there are tons of post that are 'fucking LONG'. I don't see you singling out any of those guys though. And I find personal experience much easier/enjoyable to read than a bunch of statistics.
Fun fact: During my time as a supervisor at B&N, we had an applicant who stabbed and killed someone when she was in 8th or 9th grade. She had just recently got out of prison. She was black. And she got the job. I trained her myself, she was a competent and fast enough learner to use Windows 7 and our ordering software installed on the computers to do the work I assigned her without me having to hold her hand. She explained her home situation to me and I scheduled her so that she only worked on the days and times she found most convenient. She got along with everyone but despite my constant efforts to help this young woman ( I even went as far as sending her long emails explaining what she needed to do to keep her job ) she missed work several times and a few of the times she did show up, she was late and was eventually fired.
Now of course, we can do one of two things here: we can suggest that she take some responsibility, or we can suggest that society, or myself in particular, didn't do enough to help her and that's why she got fired. Perhaps I was holding her back. Maybe the CEO who makes hundreds of thousands is a racist white man and that's why she didn't come to work. Anyone else care to add to this list? You wanna hear some more fun facts? I had three mentally disabled employees ( white people ) in my department as well. Two suffered from forms of autism, and the third was blind in one eye, had knee problems, and was definitely showing early signs of dementia. Despite their handicaps, somehow they managed to show up to work almost everyday, on time, and even on the extremely rare occasion they were late, they would apologize instead of coming up with BS excuses. We also had a FTM transsexual who was manager of our cafe, a homosexual communications manager, a black shipping and receiving manager, and a black e-commerce supervisor ( me ). So despite mental illness, despite transphobia, despite homophobia, despite racism, the latter 3 being things the left claims runs rampant in this country, somehow we all found a way to do what we had to do. There didn't seem to be anyone holding us back. In my 12th grade art class, a few of my classmates would literally scream at the teacher when they needed help. Like, for no legitimate reason at all, they'd just abruptly blurt out "I NEED HELP DRAWING THIS SHIT!" - and my art teacher would respond with the Jerry Maguire quote: "Help me help you." Basically, in 4 words, he was saying "I'm willing to help you but you're not making this easy. I can assist you way more if you change you behavior and attitude." And that's how I feel when I'm around people of my race. There's only so much I can do when the person hasn't put forth the effort necessary to help themselves. A few years back when I was working as a dishwasher ( first job ), there were two new blacks that were hired in after me. I can't remember the guys name but there was also a female named "Riri". On the first week, because the guy was extremely talkative, he explained to us he was gay, that he had a threesome before he showed up to work that day, that he was a shopaholic and spends most of his money on clothes as soon as he gets his paycheck, that he enjoys getting wasted on a regular basis, and boasted about how he's gotten several loans but has no plans to pay back any of them. Riri's face lit up as if she had been reunited with a long lost friend. Grinning from ear to ear, she gave high-fives to this wackjob and said "we need to get togetha ASAP!" Due to poor work ethic ( half the time, they would hide in the restrooms updating their Facebook statuses while I try to man the entire fucking dishroom by myself, which is supposed to have a minimum of 4 people in it at all times ), showing up late, not showing up at all, and even having the audacity to take it upon themselves to try and earn unapproved holiday pay by clocking in when they weren't scheduled to work, they were eventually fired. Funny thing is, before Riri got fired, she actually vented to me about not having enough money to buy all the stuff she wanted for Black Friday and said she was trying to find another job. She said she didn't have a resume, and I told her "that's fine, I'll make one for you. Just tell me your work history and I can whip one up." She never got back to me with her work history. Instead, I go to her Facebook and lo and behold, she's uploading videos of herself twerking while drunk and you can hear the other idiot in the background egging her on. She has no problem finding shots of tequila. She has no problem finding salons to get her hair and nails done. She has no problem finding all the clubs in the city. But I'm supposed to believe she couldn't find a pencil, a sheet of paper, and 5 minutes of downtime to jot down her work history, and give it to me so I could make her a resume FOR FREE. And yes, she was recently on Facebook complaining about Trump winning the election, because Trump and white supremacy is going to hold her back from accomplishing her dreams. It's totally not her holding herself back. Nope, to suggest that would be racist. It's not politically correct to say a lot of people are where they are because of poor decision making. We have to keep coming up with excuse after excuse to avoid "offending" people because that's all people give a shit about in 2016. I'm offended at this, I'm offended at that. Safe space here, safe space there. Censor him, censor her. Racist, racist, racist. I've run out of patience for the same sob stories over and over. I'm pretty sure some of those drug dealers you mentioned are making thousands because the drug dealers I knew were making thousands. But instead of taking those thousands and investing it into their future and their children, they invest it in gold rims, jewelry, guns, strip clubs, and designer clothing. Greg Mathis started out in gangs and became a judge. Michael Vick started out abusing animals then got into the NFL. Jay-Z started out selling crack on the corner then got into music and became an entrepreneur. These blacks did it, why can't others? We have to draw a line SOMEWHERE. A point where we say "yeah, that's not as helpful as it could be" ( prison as you pointed out ) and another point where we say "ok, life isn't fair but... dude, not EVERYTHING going wrong in your life is someone else's fault." You can't just sit on your ass watching T.V. all day and partying and then say you don't have shit because your list of entitlements isn't long enough yet. Put the remote down, get off Facebook, and go attempt something. If you feel the world isn't fair then by all means do your part in battling everything that isn't fair, which again, requires you to put the remote down, get off Facebook, and go attempt something. The changes aren't going to drop out of the sky and onto your lap. You haven't made a change in society just because you "Liked" a BLM post on social media, and you haven't worked hard until, as Shia LeBeouf put it, you reach a point where most people would just quit but you push yourself anyway. Stop talking about everything you can't do and everything you can't change. As soon as you adopt this mindset, it doesn't matter what kind of society we live in - you WILL fail. If you sit there and tell yourself "I can't do anything because Trump is the president now", you've already lost. One of my favorite quotes that I never allow myself to forget is "Possunt, quia posse videntur". Written by Virgil, an ancient Roman poet, this translates to "they can because they think they can". Did you know that in ancient times before battles, generals would tell their soldiers these elaborate stories about visions they had and how the gods spoke to them in a dream telling them their victory was inevitable? This wasn't done because they REALLY had visions and they really saw and spoke to gods. They did this because this affected the mind of the soldier. This gave them the confidence they needed to march into battle unafraid of defeat because they knew if their soldiers didn't first THINK they were going to win, there was no chance of them winning at all. So my question is, how do you also get blacks to succeed when they're raised in environments where they're being told that everything is rigged against them, that their efforts will go to waste because of all the racists in control, that police will hunt them down for no reason, etc? As I pointed out, the young black woman was just as competent as anyone else. The few times she actually showed up, I told her what to do and how to do it and she did it. She was able-bodied, she didn't have a mental illness, she was polite, but she didn't want to show up. Even after I changed her work days multiple times to fit her constantly changing schedule ( something I didn't have to do in the first place ), she'd have yet another excuse as to why she couldn't show up. Even sent her emails saying "look, I'm doing everything on my part to help you but if you keep not showing up to work, my boss is going to fire you". I was even called into my manager's office because as supervisor, they want my opinion on all the new employees, and when they asked me if we should let her go or not, I said "no, I think we should give her one more chance". Part of the reason I did all this was to see for myself what this young woman would do if she was given a chance, straight out of prison for murder, to turn her life around. Would she take advantage of it or would she just throw it away? Bottom line: she took the job less seriously than the guy in my department who had Asperger's, so I have my answer. So there you go, FA. No statistics, just personal experience. And this isn't all my personal experience, these are just the instances I decided to mention. I can sit here for hours and give you examples of blacks doing nothing, and I can also give you examples of blacks within my community who I've never heard utter a single excuse and instead made something of themselves despite living in the same poverty, going to the same schools, and facing the same systemic racism that's supposedly destroying blacks left and right all across the country. Despite virtually the exact same circumstances, some of us are in prison for murder ( and not because they were just randomly scooped up off the side of the road by KKK police officers ) while others have decent paying jobs or are running our own businesses, and I'd say that has a LOT to do with a difference in mindset and perspective. Now maybe I am overly blunt about some things - but it has to be done. BLM needs to be called out on their bullshit. We're so quick to point fingers at everyone else. White man this, white man that. White, white, white. No, let's discuss blacks for once in our lives. Do you want to know what blacks protesting black on black crime looks like? ![]() The report said the turnout was around 100 people. Now let's take a look at what blacks ( and some whites here and there ) protesting racist white police officer crime looks like: ![]() There was no headcount for this one but I'm pretty sure that's a lot more than 100 people. Why is it that only 100 blacks from a fraternity have the common sense required to say something about blacks killing blacks at record numbers in Chicago, but thousands across the nation will flood the streets and block off interstates to protest a white guy killing a black person? I'm with this guy. Except the part where he says he's anointed by the king of kings. Personally, I'm anointed by the Nexus, but the point still stands. |
Lol. Logged into Heroes of the Storm a few minutes ago. Literally all I typed into chat was "donald j trump president of the united states of america god bless this country amen", and this ensued:
![]() Too bad I ate the last of my sunflower seeds last night. Now I have nothing to snack on while I watch these kids go at each others necks. Feelsbadman. |
How many Ls is MSM going to take this year? I mean as bad as they are, we can at least be a bit merciful during Christmas season... right? Ah, screw it. This guy asked for it. |
If the electoral college votes Hillary, I'm moving back to the Nexus.
I can't wait for the "Russia hacked the electoral college" accusations to start pouring in. |
The chat on the sidebar of that stream is by far the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Just a few selections:
They should definitely have a segment where, after the voting takes place, they take a moment to answer questions from chat and then have the chat feed appear on the actual video so remarks like "Bill Clinton is a rapist" and "kill all Muslims" just pops up in big bold letters across the screen. That'd be brilliant. Just imagine the reaction from outlets like Vox and NYTimes. I'd pay good money to see that.