BYOND Version:510
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 56.0.2906.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
If my world's visibility is set to 0 at compile time, setting to 1 at runtime doesn't put it back on the hub.

It will change the visibility drop down in DD to public, but it won't actually be public

Manually changing that drop down in DD is the only way to get it to show, You have to go private or invisible, then back to public.

Changing it by toggling the world.visibility var doesn't do anything.

Test case:

Edit: Steps:
1. Launch.
2. Observe server not on hub.

(Server starts out with world.visibility at 0, then sets it to 1 in a spawn in world/New())

3. Edit the code to swap it, so that it starts out at 1, and changes to 0

4. Launch.
5. Server is still on hub despite it being "invisible"


Set and clear the world.hub_password var to enter or leave the hub.
I need source for any test cases. However I suspect this is something I can investigate without the need of one.
it should have the source?
Always when a test case is called for, I need source. I don't test .dmb/.rsc files on their own anymore, ever.
I mean that hub entry has a .zip with the source
Ah. Well that I was not aware of. I can give it a download and see.
Yeah, I see the source is there. I was thrown by the fact that it's listed under games, where typically source is not included in the upload.
I listed it under games because i was trying to reproduce something happening in ss13, and that is listed under games, so I wanted to reduce changing any unrelated variables.
Makes sense. Better to keep consistent.
Further testing shows that no changes that happen at runtime are taken into account. (but they always change the dropdown in DD, indicating that runtime changes are suppose to be supported.)

So I can also have it be on the hub, but visibility is 0 and the drop down shows invisible.
Any update?
Haven't gotten to this yet. In fact my plan to do more software work on Monday has been blasted. But I'll try to get to this soon.
Lummox JR changed status to 'Unverified'
In testing this worked like a charm. Wasn't able to reproduce the problem in either DD or DS.
The drop down in DD will change, it will seem to be visible in every sense on the server.

But it won't be on the hub.

I edited the OP to match my newer findings of all runtime changes to visibility not actually changing the server's hub status (ie, something isn't getting announced)
I was specifically able to see the change on the hub, though. All of my tests resulted in hub updates.
That is odd, because its not working in my test project, and sybil hasn't been showing up in the hub for this exact same reason since i moved to the config way of enabling hub (before it used to be a compile time define and that was becoming a pain to manage because it meant production had to change code to enable hub before compiling).

I have a server of that test project running right now in DD. DD shows public, and it says the port can be reached by players, but it's not on the hub.
Have you tried this in a non-debug build of byond? just in case?

Because it's 100% reproducible on 3 computers across 2 operating systems for me.
Pretty sure I did try it on the release build first, but I can try again to verify.

Interestingly though, it occurs to me I did not try with the pager open. A proxy issue would make sense here.
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