Any update?
Could you maybe post details about how you prep/start the world so we can find anything different from what we are doing?
Maybe try with a clean byond config directory and on a different byond username incase your dev status is bypassing some check hub side.
If you haven't, maybe try without a debug build to see if that is causing anything.
I've also tried it both with the pager open and without it open, as well as it open but not signed in.
It also seems to trigger on my laptop so thats another computer it happened on. It also still triggered on my desktop after I had reinstalled windows (for unrelated reasons) One clue: When I start the server up then go check the hub page, last played stays the same date in the past. I can even change the visibility using the verb and last played doesn't update. But if I manually move DD's dropdown to private (from public) last played updates to say today. And Note: The dropdown in DD starts at public, but the bug still happens if it starts at private or invisible. The trusted status also seems to have no effect. |
I haven't done any new testing on this with the pager on yet. I still plan to do so. Also I'll see if maybe release mode makes any difference, although I think that's unlikely. (Although if it does, that's gonna make it a pain to test since catching behavior in the debugger is pretty important.)
Although you've had consistent results with or without the pager, all I can say for sure is that in the debug build and with the pager off, the behavior has been 100% correct in my tests. Since I doubt the debug build is the difference maker, my best working theory is that something with the "pager proxy" (where the server or client shunts most of its hub contact to the pager) is getting in the way. |
I still haven't gotten to the new testing on this. Honestly I kinda forgot about it with the holiday. I'll jump on this tomorrow and see if I can pry anything new out.
Testing in release mode, with the pager proxy active, does not show me any differences. I'm still at a loss to reproduce this issue.
Alright, I have a bunch of computers around me to test with.
Could I get details about your system specs, namey os (and bit width) as well as what kind of network connection you have (wifi/wired/vpn) I'll go see if i can reproduce this happening properly, and at the least give super detailed steps. |
Honestly, I'm not comfortable sharing most of that information, but I also don't see how it could be relevant in any way to the outcome. The network connection info is a different story: I'm doing this on a wired network with a router, no VPN involved; the port I use for hosting has been properly forwarded by the router. For the speed I couldn't tell you; it isn't anything special.
Just to be clear, I don't doubt for a minute that you're seeing this happen every time on your end. I've seen plenty of oddities with hub reporting in the past myself, and I was quite surprised by my inability to replicate the problem--even intermittently. And frankly I expected the pager proxy thing to explain everything, but everything worked correctly even in that case. |
I know byond looks at some shit in the registry, and i remember seeing some key it checks that looked like it might be debugging related, could it be that some debug setting was enabled in the registry by using a debug build that is still in play on the release?
Do you have a spare computer that can run byond that you haven't ran the debug build on? I'm thinking you try to go from install to test on a clean slate. I'm at 5 computers now that get it, I'm about to test windows 10 because I haven't tested that yet. |
Failing all of that, for now could you look at fixing ID:2155482 so mitigating this issue by changing the drop down manually is easier
MrStonedOne wrote:
I know byond looks at some shit in the registry, and i remember seeing some key it checks that looked like it might be debugging related, could it be that some debug setting was enabled in the registry by using a debug build that is still in play on the release? No. There are no registry settings that impact the networking. Do you have a spare computer that can run byond that you haven't ran the debug build on? I'm thinking you try to go from install to test on a clean slate. I could try it on my wife's computer, but I have run BYOND on that one before. |
I mean, what do you have to lose =P
What I would do, is uninstall byond, go into the registry and remove any byond keys from HKLM, make a new user account, then install byond. Clean and fresh. |
A fresh install won't make the difference there. This smells of some kind of logic error, but I'm just not sure what I have to do to recreate it.
Problem is I have code dived. The code says that the hub is always told about such updates. Whenever the visibility changes, that triggers a change that notifies the hub. The pager proxy was a reasonable place to expect that might break down, only it didn't. So I'm just stuck unless I can reproduce it.
I haven't. I'll try some tests on it and let you know.
That said, the behavior was so consistent for me before that I doubt I'll see any difference. |
Whatever this is, it's also a problem on GNU/Linux though.
We've just set visibility = 1 in the meantime.