Ok so this is going to sound like some weird Twilight Zone stuff but I'm not making this up.
2 nights ago I had a dream where I was watching T.V. and whatever I was watching just disappeared and was replaced by a black screen with "pomodoro" and "you have been hacked" underneath it ( written in white font ). I can't remember the entire dream, I just remember watching T.V. and then those words abruptly appearing. I think I woke up soon after.
Last night it was even crazier. This time in the dream I was browsing the internet and then all of a sudden the black screen reappears on my laptop screen. Once again, it says "pomodoro" and underneath it in white letters it says "You will be given a mission tomorrow near the Commodore area."
Immediately, I started panicking and woke up soon after. After waking up this time, I was like "WTH is this pomodoro shit?" and so I got up, went to my computer and Googled it. Turns out, there is indeed a restaurant 21 minutes from the Commodore area downtown called "Pomodoro" owned by Italians. I've never seen this restaurant before.
The only thing I can think of is that the Italian mafia has hired hackers to hack my sub-conscious to communicate with me because they have a mission that they believe only I can carry out successfully. However, there's only one way to test this theory - I can simply not show up to the Commodore area downtown. If Italian mobsters are truly requiring my assistance, tonight I should have another dream where I get another "pomodoro" message saying something along the lines of "You didn't show up, so now we're coming to murder you."
So I'm just going to try and remain calm for now. If I disappear for a while and you guys don't see any memes or shitposts from me for like a week or something, CALL THE POLICE. Redirect them to this post and tell them I was abducted by the Pomodoro Crime Family. I will keep you guys posted.
![]() Oct 25 2016, 7:45 am
![]() Oct 25 2016, 8:10 am
Pomodoro is just the word for tomato
Super Saiyan X wrote:
Pomodoro is just the word for tomato So do you think my life is in danger or no |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Super Saiyan X wrote: they're gonna turn u into a tomato and then make a pizza out of ur sauce |
I think your life is in danger.
Or this might be a new advertising campaign because technically its not illegal to hijack someone's subconscious. |
Ghost of ET wrote:
I think your life is in danger. Ok I didn't have a Pomodoro dream last night so I think I'm good for now. But I need you guys to keep watching out. Have your eyes open. Have your ears open. Have your nose open. Remain vigilant and steadfast. The Pomodoro Crime Family could've refrained from sending me another threat merely because they don't want me to flee the city. By not threatening me, they can keep me within arms reach. I need to be protected. #FrogLivesMatter. |
Cloud Magic wrote:
This is a lie. Want to know why? You can't read text in your dreams. True. |
Actually, wait, no. I had to have read in my dreams because otherwise I wouldn't have been frightened out of the dream.
When you're having a bad dream, you typically wake up right when things get too crazy for you to handle. Let's say you're running from someone on a rooftop in a nightmare. You'd fall off the building and wake up as soon as you hit the ground - you reach like, your peak frightened level and you abruptly exit the dream. I've had a nightmare before where I was in the passenger seat of a car and a giant wasp the size of a watermelon was hovering outside next to the car. Sure enough, for some retarded reason, I was being driven in a freaking TOP DOWN CONVERTIBLE meaning I couldn't just roll the window up to protect myself. Eventually, the wasp flies at me with its stinger and I woke up just as it stung me. The point I'm making here is nightmares go like this: you're somewhere you may or may not recognize with people you may or may not recognize > something crazy happens that's threatening your life > you wake up just as you're about to die This is also why you're told to try to keep yourself calm when you're having a lucid dream. The first time you successfully induce a lucid dream, you get really excited because it's an awesome feeling being aware that you're dreaming because then you can do whatever the hell you want. However, you have to immediately fight the excitement and calm yourself down because if you get too excited, you'll just wake back up out of the dream the same way you wake up when there's a wasp is shoving its stinger down your throat. After you chillax, you can go about your business within the dream doing pretty much anything. I know this because I induced lucid dreams after watching Inception. Anyone can do it, just search for the instructions on Google. Anyway, something had to have scared me in order for my dream to abruptly end like that. I recall sitting in front of the laptop and as soon as I saw what was on the screen, I was frightened and that's when the dream ended. I do not recall any frightening images or figures ( i.e. demonic faces ) that would've scared me, so the only other thing possible on the screen could've been words, and if the words were a jumbled mess that I couldn't read, how were the words able to frighten me? "ajsudhu39jsadjsa980knjadlaksll" ( random jumbled letters ) doesn't frighten people. Falling off a building frightens people. Getting stung by a giant wasp frightens people. HAVING YOUR COMPUTER HACKED AND BEING THREATENED BY SOME RANDOM PERSON OR GROUP OF PEOPLE FRIGHTENS PEOPLE. I had to have read and interpreted what was on my laptop screen to be a threat by a hacker in order for me to be scared. It doesn't make sense to suggest that I was sitting in front of a laptop and I was scared by mixed up, random letters that I couldn't understand ( which is what people who study dreams insist happens ). |