The Last Conflict

by Darker Emerald
The Last Conflict
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies!
TLC was greenlit! Huge thanks to you guys who voted for it. =]

A lot of work ahead so I will be spending the majority coming months finishing off the overall look of the game to get it looking less like a byond game to a more polished looking one. Anyways cant wait to see what the future brings.
You deserve it.
Congrats buddy!
good luck AQ. I cant wait to see what glorious things you may bring :)
how long did it take to get your greenlight?
Thanks! =]

@Albert: Took about 1 month and a half.
Congratulations man! Looking forward to playing it on Steam.
whats this independent launcher i heard about
When can we see it?
Congratulations man you've more then earned it with the work and effort you have put in, i hope all goes well and i'll be looking forward to playing it. ;p
Congratulations Darker Emerald. I am happy for you.