Today, thanks to Axel Of Flame, I got my brand new BYOND membership!
So let's see what new fun I can find here with this :)
Well, if Axel of Flame paid for it, and he has one himself. BYOND doesn't actually have a 'new' paying member. Just a new member.
Damn, I was going to say that Bwgmon >,<
Hmm, well, does it matter who actually paies something if the bill is payed? :p
Stop being an ass, people...

Welcome, Echi!
Echi wrote:
Hmm, well, does it matter who actually paies something if the bill is payed? :p
Lord of light wrote:
Damn, I was going to say that Bwgmon >,<

Welcome and enjoy!

(Edit: In case anyone gets confused I meant enjoy his time as a member!)
Yeah, Bwgmon, thanks for stealing our sentences!
ello ello ello
Ignore the trolls, be a goblin, you'll be just fine.
Hehe, thanks for the welcome and don't worry, I was a GM in a semi big commercial online RPG (~100000 players online). I'm used to everything they can throw at me *giggles*