I posted this on another forum, but seeing a post on the Byond Community board reminded me of this, so I'll share it with all of you!
You know you play Final Fantasy too much when...
...You obtain a marriage license for yourself and Sephiroth, and complain that your family members just don't understand your love of Sephiroth, and when you say you visit the astral plane to have sex with Sephiroth.
I guess I will start with the passions. What happened to me yesterday morning. I woke up and all I wanted was my Sephiroth. I think I mentioned in my previous entry that the intense feelings don't happen quite as much anymore ... although they do still happen. Yesterday morning was one of these times. I woke up and all I wanted was him. I guess it was about 1/2 hour into my fantasising about him, and it happened. First I had this feeling inside my chest. Then it consumed me. All the way through my body. All over I felt an intense heat ... I guess heat is the nearest word that I can explain it as ... it was really more than that though ... but words cannot always express these things. But I just felt so close to him. Really close. It was like he was there with me, holding me. Of course I know that he was not ... but it felt that way. I didn't want the feeling to end. But it lasted at least 10 minutes, I think ... I couldn't really keep track of time, as it was also like the world around me stood still while it was happening. The emotion made it feel like it was just me and Sephiroth ... together. Like there was nothing else. Maybe that is what it would feel like if I could really be in the darkness with him. Being engulfed by that feeling, feeling like there is only the two of us to share our love together. *sigh* How I wish it could happen. How I long to be with my eternal love .. my Sephiroth.
What I can never begin to understand though is where such feelings come from. Not that I am complaining, I love when it happens, but I just wonder what causes them. I guess it just goes to prove that you can be in love with someone that is not "real". One cannot even begin to understand the source of our feelings, but the fact that tehy are there must mean they come from somewhere.
So to my one and only love .... my Sephiroth. Our love is eternal. Our love is forever. I feel so close to you. I love you. I need you. You are mine forever. Together we will be .... you and I forever.
Firstly, why should you even care what I am like. Do you know me? No. So why go and tell me how I should feel and that it's wrong to love a game character. My friends accept me for it, and that's all that matters. And anways, who makes the rule that it's wrong. (Beep)ing society. So because society said you shouldn't love someone that ain't real, it means I should go see a shrink. Well if you believe that, then you are well and truly being brainwashed by society. You see that is the problem. People say "this is right" and "this is wrong". But it's all a matter of how one perceives it. What is right for me may be wrong for you and vice versa. Sure we all have our own opinions on something, but that doesn't mean that you should get onto someone's case about it all. And just because someone might do, say or feel something you would never percieve, it doesn't mean that anything is wrong with them. They just have a different view, feeling, etc.
I was talking to someone the other day ... and we were talking about what we would wish for if we had just that one wish. This person knows that I am in love with Sephiroth, but they of course don't understand and they do not know the itensity of it all. So I did say that I would wish for Sephiroth. They laughted at me and told me it would be worse than bringing back Hitler or something. But they don't understand. I know that if Sephiroth were a reality, then he would very likely be a threat to everyone's existance on this planet. But for some reason I am selfish when it comes to him. He is all I care about. And I still would wish for him to be real if I had that one wish. I don't care what he does to the world. I don't care at all ... in fact I would be there by his side to support him every single step. I still want to be in the darkness with him ... I want to help him destroy it all ... I want him to rule everything ... my Sephiroth ... oh great one ... you are the eternity. My dark lord, I love you so much. ... ... ... But now I am diverging from what I was originally saying, that happens to me when it comes to my wonderful Sephiroth. But I do wish that one wish could come true, regardless of what he would cause. I just want to be with him ... to hold him so close and to kiss him passionately .... and to take him for eternity. I love him so much. More than I can even express on here.
I got into fights with fan girls too. Well more arguments. Three of them. Trying to claim that Sephiroth is theirs. I shouldn't do it ... as I know he loves me and that our love is eternal. But I just get so jealous. I don't want anyone else to love him ... and they pretend he is theirs. No. He is mine. He loves me only. It was like words flying at each other. One girl was trying to say she married him on another forum ... but then she said that she married the forum member who uses his name. So that is not Sephiroth. My love is for the true Sephiroth. The one who is mine. In the end we just came to mutal agreements. I guess that is all we can do. I cannot really tell anyone of how it is. I tell Raquel a lot. She is in the same situation ... she also has a Sephiroth out there. I'm sure over the dimensions we each have one. I can't believe the similarities our experiences with Sephy has. But then there are things I still don't tell her. I tell no one.
Well 2 nights ago my brother was showing me these AMVs that had so many sexy shots of Sephy in them that I was totally going crazy. Anyways, my mum walks in. Gah! Well she like goes off at me for loving Sephy. Says something about that I shouldn't be doing that and that she's dissapointed in me or something. Tell the truth I can't really remember. Anyways ... of course there is no way I'm listening. I love my Sephy forever ... no matter what anyone says. So I go to bed and I just feel so much more closer to him. I could so feel him in my heart ... it was all warm and wonderful and I just felt so close to him. It was like I never am going to stop loving him ... he's just too wonderful.
Then last night I got all upset cause my brother wouldn't show me Sephy on the PC. I got real angry at him. And then I cried cause I wanted to see him more. I don't know if that is right ... but it was like I couldn't survive without seeing it. I went all weird and started screaming and my body just felt like something was happening to me. It's like he's now become a drug or something ... that I have withdrawl symptoms. And then afterwards, I started to cry again ... just beause I couldn't be with him. Oh, how it hurts so much.
Oct 25 2006, 3:36 am
Oct 25 2006, 3:47 am
and then she turned 12
Yes, okay, Sephiroth is badass, we get it, welcome to 1997, can we move on now? |
If I were her mum I would have gone OVERKILL on her retard child
I bet she wants to re-enact the Sephiroth-Aeris scene but with her as Aeris' stand-in.
"Yes, Sephiroth, stick it in me! Wait, no not there, down THERE. No, Sephiroth, not all over my chest! Eeeeeeee!" Edit: Also, did she ever consider that his love for his mother is far greater than any love he'd be willing to give her? I mean seriously, Sephiroth has one of the biggest Oedipus Complexes ever seen in a video game. Also, if her wish were granted and he was revived and decided to destroy the world, I'm sure he'd toss her aside just like he does with Tifa and Aeris, even if she showered him with love, kisses and boobies. |
Damn it, Divine O'Peanut. Cut that out. You're making my pager bother me when you seem to post/delete like that. :/
Well stop it. It's obnoxious. If you want to know if I'm here, just page me like anyone else.
But Garland will knock you down! How can you POSSIBLY get more evil and badass than that???