I have an animation running on the client like so:

            animate(client, color = l, time = 8, flags = ANIMATION_PARALLEL | CIRCULAR_EASING, loop = -1)
animate(color = null, time = 9, loop = -1)

What I want to do, while this animation is running, is begin another animation that simply "flicks" the color of the screen:

            animate(client, color = "#a00f", time = 1, flags = ANIMATION_PARALLEL)
animate(color = null, time = 1)

However, when I attempt the latter, the color effects from the former are removed permanently.

Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Any insight would be appreciated.

Edit: Note that the two snippets occur in two different places.
It might be a bug. I would suggest working up a test case.
As a matter of fact, I failed to mention that the above crashes the game. Once the ANIMATION_PARALLEL flag is removed from the latter snippet, it runs fine but doesn't work as expected.

I've reproduced this in a test environment and will be making a bug report soon.
Definitely checking that out. My tests didn't have any crash at all, and that's obviously a huge bug.