(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Simple question. What would be the best method of allowing groups of four or less into dungeons/instances? I'd of course be teleporting the group to said dungeon/instance but how would make players in the group only see one another when inside the instance and not the other players there nor interact with them.

I have a feeling lists would be optimal for this.
Best response
You'll probably want a datum that keeps track of the entire party, holding a list and several other important vars. This datum should be a /tmp var where it's assigned to each mob, so it doesn't save with them; or else saving one mob will save all the others.

For only seeing one another, there are several ways to do that. However you probably also want to make sure that each party has their own separate monsters, treasure, etc. so that one party doesn't see all their loot being taken right before their eyes by another party. What this calls for is loading copies of a dungeon, from a template, into new Z levels.