BYOND Version:511.1354
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 52.0.2743.116
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
If you say have a single word verb, and a multi-word-verb where one of the words is the same as the single word verb, hovering over the single word will sometimes cause it to display the description of the multiple word verb, and clicking the single word verb in the stat panel (or typing the verb) will sometimes invoke the multiword verb.

or rather, exact matches to verbs is getting superseded by verbs that only partially match.

mob/verb/say(msg as text) //speaking verb

client/verb/object_say(msg as text, object as obj|mob|turf in view()) //admin verb to make an atom "speak"

mob/verb/read_memory() //read your character's saved mental notes
set name="notes"

mob/verb/view_admin_notes_self() //player verb to read comments left by admins about the player that weren't marked secret
set name="view-admin-notes"

type notes or say and you MAY get wrong matches, depending on ordering or other unknown factors. hover over the verb in the stat panel and you may see a desc for the wrong one.

I imagine this would happen with any partial vs exact match.

We've had this issue for a while, we usually work around it, like renaming object say to osay, renaming view-admin-notes to view-admin-remarks (in the process of happening) but it's starting to get frustrating having to work around it.