Oct 24 2006, 11:36 am
I'm moving BBash to another server tonight or tomorrow, and I need new reviewers - the good people in Converse don't find BBash as humorous as they once did (myself included), so they're no longer interested in taking care of it. If you're interested in joining the ELITE TEAM OF GREAT, just post here and I'll add a couple of you.
Oct 24 2006, 11:45 am
I'll take a go at it if you're interested, it will give me something to read while I'm at school. There's usually a flock of kids surrounding my computer since it's the only one in the school with dual monitors, so someone will find it funny.
yeah byond://beng.converse but you probably wouldn't like it there
You need a Canadian on the team. I though Canadians always overpowered the rest of the team and ended up taking control? ;-) |
Ben G wrote:
okay whatever sounds good i've still got that feeling i'm not over the low bar also i'll only join if you're anti-skub, i hate pro-skubbers |