Extending selection after a double-click didn't act as expected in several cases.
BYOND Version:510
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 52.0.2743.116
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (511.1356)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
If you double-click on text inside the code editor and then press SHIFT-End to attempt to select everything after the caret position, the position actually jumps.

Double-clicking works:

Pressing SHIFT-End to select the rest results in this:
from what i can tell, that line is exactly 4 tabs intented, meaning it should have exactly 4 >> characters right? (i'm assuming there is 1 level of indent i can't see, because of that else at the end of the image that should be intented within a proc)

So, since there is exactly 4 >> characters and its offsetting by exactly 4 characters in the select, I have to ask:

does it happen when view tabs is disabled? because i suspect it doesn't, and the core issue is some parts of the code taking those >> characters into account, and some that are not, leading to an incorrect offset
This isn't a show tabs issue.

If I double-click the 'N' in 'ONE', then press Shift-End:

If I double-click the 'W' in 'TWO', then press Shift-End:

If I double-click the 'R' in 'THREE', then press Shift-End:

It appears double-clicking moves the visible cursor, but the cursor position as used by Shift-End remains where you double-clicked.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Extending selection after a double-click didn't act as expected in several cases.