My new game Salient was started a few days ago. Yesterday I found myself a good set of Iconers and today I'm hoping to find a mapper and a coder for my battle system.
The game is slightly based of Gauntlet:Seven Sorrows for Ps2 with the idea of sorcerers but apart from that I believe it's completely original, here's a short explanation of the game.
In the Lands of Urgiard(maybe change that name) the seven sorcerers which were banished long ago have returned, now you have the mission to travel through the lands learn new techniques and train up until you can save your village and the others by defeating the seven sorcerers or you can become a businessman and start a business by selling items.
If you're interested in helping the game in anyway either add my msn which is [email protected] or just reply here.
Oct 24 2006, 12:26 am
Well, I can't do more than to offer you help :(
It's a pitty you rarely ever reply to your BYOND pager and won't tell me why you persist on useing MSN to talk about your game :( |
I want you to code a pvp battle arena and thats all.
Basicly somebody can challenge you to a pvp arena battle and if you accept you go to the arena and fight. Each time you win you get a better battle rank depending on how many times you've won. That's all I need. I will code the fighting using skills weapons armor and things. |
Ok, let's see if I get you right.
Players should be able to challenge each other to an arena battle. I suggest that you have to see the player to challenge. So, you could implement it like: mob/verb/challenge() set src in view() view() << "[usr] wants to challenge [src] for an Arena battle!" var/accept = input("Do you want to accept the challange?") in list("yes","no") if (accept == yes) [-> move both of them to the battle Arena, can't code that without knowing a destination :P I suggest a turf as entrance point here if you want the duell to be visible, else if it should just be calculated, call the proc here] else [->Tell both that the challange was not accepted? Or do you want some other sort of 'punishment' for not accepting a challenge] |
Please note that this is done without knowing your sourecode and has to be changed accordingly.
And remember that this blog screws my efforts of formating that would be needed for the DM ;) |
You should think about useing your blog to keep people up to date with your project and it's progress.
Like this it looks kind of deserted. Have a look at ;) |
Only very part time though :(
Can you be a bit more precise about the battle system?
What atoms, procs and verbs do you have defined so far?
How should a fight work (missing, skills, weapons, armor, shields and all that)?
Pvp only in arena?
Well, thats it so far :)
Have fun and I wish you luck with your game!