Ok, well i found a fond interest of putting my thoughts into music through the Noteworthy program. And came up with this little number. Iunno, it's pretty easy and fun. Took like ten minutes or something to do that partial midi. Too bad the programs only a sample- but atleast i can turn this little melody into guitar, drums, or whatever later on.

And as for the times. Man, getting into college is expensive. To get into Texas Art Ins. i've got to get loans, grants, poverty grants, rewards and actually work hard. I might add the school costs 73,600 something for a bachelors degree. But i can do a poster contest on national and local level for a 5000 prize, which i plan to win- since even the examples they had shown during my tour of the school were inferior to some of the posters i do already for my friends' bands and what not.

Anyways, tell me what you think of my little test midi. Also, maybe you should try it to, it's pretty time consuming and entertaining at that.

Your Pest
- Karnlor
I like it a lot.
Thanks. I'm probably going to use this program for theme music later on, when and if i design a game.
Pretty nifty. Is that the same thing as 'Noteworthy Composer'? I used a version of that probably ten years ago, and came up with some pretty interesting stuff. I used a fractal midi creator, and than edited and enhanced with NC. It was interesting at least. I'm not very musically inclined though.
Yea, i meant that. Lol. It is in fact Noteworthy composer.
I know I already commented on this, but I just have to say it again...

I really like this.
we go from PGR to pop music..
It's not pop music. O.o it's still PGR. Doesn't mean i cant post other stuff? I wont be posting graphics for a while, anyways, so it should be something else in the meantime.
You killed the forum. =(
If I remember correctly, you'll get a message saying I commented.

I have a regular bar, not heated or melted. I'm at a quarry. What do I do?