Keywords: games
I'm getting back into Half-life 2 and am so happy about it! Last time I played I got to Route Canal and got bored of the silly boat crap but now I'm playing through it again and having a load of fun.

It's probably all due to Concerned, though.

Anyway, if you play Half-life 2 and want to play DM or CS:S or any other mods (random crappy mods are my personal favourites; for Half-life, I loved Vampire Slayer and other silly mods) leave me your Steam name and I'll add you and we can play.

Also: do any of you have Civilization IV and enjoy it enough to play a game of it online? I've been trying to find someone to play with but nobody has it. :(
Steam Name: D4RK354B3R

I have Civ4 but my laptop is not good enough to run it....
ZeroCrash, ftw.
ZeroCrash ftw for Civ4 or HL2?
