Ah yes, I remember the original Outpost. My father bought it on floppies back in around 1994/1995. When I finally played, it definitely had bugs and was missing features. I remember when I was first playing it, I thought I was playing poorly leading to a ghost town. Turns out others suffered the same problems where their colonies would die in about 100 turns at least. Rebel colony never worked either.

As for Outpost 2, it's pretty good though definitely real-time. You can actually play it without any combat through the colony games. However, it's even challenging due to having to worry about disaster such as vortexes (tornadoes), meteors, and the dreaded lava (which will catch you unprepared).

If you want to try Outpost 2 on a modern system, feel free to grab it from here: http://outpost2.net/outpost2.php

And no, I'm not trying to encourage piracy. There hasn't been any DMCA takedown to my knowledge on this website. I still own the original CD (backed up as an ISO at some point) to this day, but do download from that site to make it run on modern OSes.
In response to Bandock
Bandock wrote:
Ah yes, I remember the original Outpost. My father bought it on floppies back in around 1994/1995. When I finally played, it definitely had bugs and was missing features. I remember when I was first playing it, I thought I was playing poorly leading to a ghost town. Turns out others suffered the same problems where their colonies would die in about 100 turns at least. Rebel colony never worked either.

If your colony was dying after 100 turns that was on you; usually, that's from failure to manage resources well enough. You have to keep mining aggressively, build a SPEW, and drive your research towards nanotechnology (eventually) in anticipation of the day all your mines run dry.

The rebel colony on the other hand was never put together properly; the computer would just randomly stick buildings together in ways that made no sense.
Yeah, I can name a few times I built the colony right to prevent the dreaded widespread bug (which honestly I didn't know about).
So he got mentioned on DramaAlert today. You can now refund No Man's Sky regardless of play time, pretty crazy stuff. If you're looking for a good read, have some links

http://www.inquisitr.com/3458500/ no-mans-sky-steam-sony-and-amazon-begin-issuing-refunds-rega rdless-of-play-time/


And here's a good laugh
In response to Ishuri

No Man's Sprayturd has crept to 34% total positive reviews, 12% recent positive reviews.

The internet hath spoken. An investigation is ongoing regarding pulling misleading advertisements for NMS. Very probably the studio is going to wind up dealing with multiple lawsuits in the near future.

Lummox will never give you up, let you down, run around and desert you, make you cry, say goodbye, and he certainly will not tell a lie and hurt you. Unlike Sean Murray. It's getting around the end of the month. Let's make it rain spare change and small bills on such a glorious, sexy, distinctly not a liar of a man.
Also, In light of recent lying liars that lie and honorable, cuddly developers that don't, every single person in this thread is now a member.

This is a super special thread!
Thank you Ter13. I didn't realize I was granted a gift membership.
Thank you Ter13.

No problem! Just keep being... You... and in this thread apparently?
Yep, I'm going to keep pumping out projects or even experiments.
No Mans Sky was clearly a joke to begin with. If the own developer of a game can't come out and specify whether the game has multiplayer or not, then it's absolute garbage.

"Does it have multiplayer?"
"Well, I'd like to think of it as not so much multiplayer in the traditional sense, but think of it as there's such a slim chance that you'll find your friends let alone another individual."
"So, is that a yes or no?"
"Well, blah blah blah."

Confirmed within 2 days that multiplayer is a farse. Several groups found the same exact planets and formations on those planets and there's absolutely no multiplayer at all.
Also, for a game of that magnitude and the pre-orders that they've received, plus delaying the game as much as they did... PC Players got RIPPED off on day one. The game was forced at 720p with capped 30FPS. It was supposed to be a PC game first, not a PS4 port.

Although, to be honest, the problem wasn't so much that Murray lied. It was that he avoided answering any questions with any real answers. Then there was hype-train fanatics on Steam that would go around and lie to people about how they "deciphered" Murray's answers. There's nothing to decipher. They guy clearly states there's no traditional multiplayer.

Glad I avoided the $60 for this game.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Let's make it rain spare change and small bills on such a glorious, sexy, distinctly not a liar of a man.

I never seem to have enough money to give to BYOND, but since there's no good games coming out lately and I don't mind eating ramen for a day, here's $90 Lummox :D
An investigation is ongoing regarding pulling misleading advertisements for NMS.

U.k. to hello gamez
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