Can be useful for quickly displaying time in a user friendly format while allowing you to work with the smallest measurements.
#define TICKS_IN_A_SECOND 10
#define HOURS_IN_A_DAY 24
proc/tickConversion(var/totalTicks as num)
var/ticks = totalTicks % TICKS_IN_A_SECOND
var/totalSeconds = round(totalTicks / TICKS_IN_A_SECOND)
var/seconds = totalSeconds % SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE
var/totalMinutes = round(totalSeconds / SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE)
var/minutes = totalMinutes % MINUTES_IN_AN_HOUR
var/totalHours = round(totalMinutes / MINUTES_IN_AN_HOUR)
var/hours = totalHours % HOURS_IN_A_DAY
var/days = round(totalHours / HOURS_IN_A_DAY)
var/list/L = list(ticks,seconds,minutes,hours,days)
return L
proc/secondConversion(var/totalSeconds as num)
var/seconds = totalSeconds % SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE
var/totalMinutes = round(totalSeconds / SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE)
var/minutes = totalMinutes % MINUTES_IN_AN_HOUR
var/totalHours = round(totalMinutes / MINUTES_IN_AN_HOUR)
var/hours = totalHours % HOURS_IN_A_DAY
var/days = round(totalHours / HOURS_IN_A_DAY)
var/list/L = list(seconds,minutes,hours,days)
return L
var/list/L = tickConversion(value) // L[1] is the ticks
// L[2] is the seconds
// L[3] is the minutes
// L[4] is the hours
// L[5] is the days
var/list/L = secondConversion(value) // L[1] is the seconds
// L[2] is the minutes
// L[3] is the hours
// L[4] is the days