Is there any way we could have something similar to the Find/Replace option for the .dm files that applies to .dmi files as well?
For example...
If I were trying to hunt for a specific icon state in a file that contains 50+ states, going through each one until you find the right one. Looking for your state "C_Fly_P" so you can make changes to it, having to look through each state individually till you find it.
Or say you want to make a change to your coding that involves changing icon state name formats slightly, being able to replace them all at once with a replace option would be nice.
In the game I work on specifically it will occasionally come up where I may have to move 40+ states with the name like... ABC1-JP001, ABC1-JP002, etc from 1 file to another and the new states need to be changed to ABC1-EN001, ABC1-EN002, etc. It would be a big time saver.
An option to sort all the states in a .dmi alphabetically would be nice too.
Aug 9 2016, 12:25 am
| ||||||| dmitool
For the renames, extract then import the relevant states; for the sort, it supports that directly.