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Status: Open

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For atoms on the map, loc (and consequently the view() procs and opacity origins) currently seems to be from the bottom-left pixel of an atom's bounding box.

There's no way to change this with pixel_x/y or with bound_x/y to be, for example, more centered in the bounding box, so opacity isn't so uneven: (one pixel past the bottom edge) (at the bottom edge) (almost entirely off the tile) (one more pixel higher)
To re-phrase this, they want to be able to change what part of the atom view() and loc and what not uses to calculate what turf the atom is on in pixel movement. Right now its the bottom left most pixel of the atom. the turf that pixel is on determines loc, and how it calculates view(), as well as byond's tile based "raycasting".

Being able to change it so the atom's loc is calculated by say the center pixel, or maybe the top right one, etc.
Why exactly is pixel_x/y plus bound_x/y not working here? I'm not sure what I'm missing.
I support.
In response to Lummox JR
You could use pixel_x/y to move the icon, but then it won't match the bounds.

You could use bound_x/y to move the bounding box too, but loc still comes from the bottom-left of the physical bounding box, not the original icon bounds.