As I write it's 87° outside and basically the same upstairs in my office in spite of an A/C unit desperately trying its best. Oh sure, I have the option of working in just my underwear, but I'm not going to.
A new release is out today. 511.1351 addresses what I hope are the last issues with pixel gliding, but time will tell. A few other bugs have been dealt with too, some of them longstanding. And the webclient now has several of 511's features in place, with more on the way later, plus a potential fix to a flick() bug it's had for ages. Also I found out that animating client pixel offsets wasn't working in the webclient, so I'll have to look at that in the next release.
In getting the webclient up to speed on new features, I found something that I think could be an issue for time-delayed parallel animations in DS, but the fix I came up with involves a pretty serious message format change, so I'm gonna have to think about whether I want to put it in the next 511 release or wait till 512. I'm leaning toward the former.
Major features still on the list for the webclient are client FPS enhancement and gamepad support. The latter is actually doable via the gamepad API, provided I can get Chrome to cooperate, but I'd like to get the FPS stuff in first. Pixel gliding is going to be a bear, so I want to make sure when I do it that DS is in a good way first so I can crib as much from DS's code as possible.
Overall I'm pretty happy with how 511 has been coming together. I'm looking forward to seeing how developers put gamepad support to work in their games.
August is here, so get in your last bits of summer while you can. Melt butter over those salt potatoes and bacon up those cheeseburgers. Hit up the local ice cream stand, then come back and binge-play SS13 or whatever else you're into. If you have a state fair coming up soon, like I do, back off of fried foods for a while and stick with grilling, so your body has a chance to prepare; it will thank you later. But for now, it's time to enjoy the summer Olympics and cheer on your nation before the athletes carry home the plague. That's right, this year Brazil is overrun by a mosquito-borne virus that also happens to be an STD, so the countdown to doomsday begins tonight. All the more reason to get in that last ice cream cone.
![]() Aug 5 2016, 2:17 pm
![]() Aug 5 2016, 2:47 pm
Good riddance summer. #holidayseason
One thing that'd be awesome (but not completely needed) is if the both sticks could be configured to having commands based on direction (maybe a second virtual dpad that they can be configured to?) as moving the mouse feels a bit wonky to me with the sticks.
Ter13 wrote:
No update on the shoulder? Did you at least get some sweet opiates? I didn't go to the doctor about it; I did go for a followup on a different thing this week, and mentioned the shoulder mostly in passing, but he didn't seem instantly worried about it and just said to let him know if it doesn't keep healing. It's just as well. I didn't want to have to pay for X-rays or an MRI, and pain meds that strong won't really do me a lot of good at this point. Healing has been slow and steady. I can now lift and hold out my arm for a short time, though it hurts like murder, which was more than I could do a week ago, and I've steadily regained a wider range of normal motion with it. Last week my in-laws also gave me a piece of bed foam they weren't using, and I have that doubled up on my side of the bed; it didn't do me much good that first night, but since then it's made a big difference in the quality of sleep I've been getting. I'm given to understand that rotator cuff injuries--which I believe this is--tend to heal on the order of six weeks or more. So it'll be a while yet. I'm doing some doorway stretch exercises every day to try and push it a little, and always testing out movement a few times a day, trying to hold the arm up as long as I can, so that it doesn't heal wrong. |