While netplaying Teasures of the Rudras with Sarm, me and him were having fun in making up spells. We found this one in particular to be hilarious.
Oct 20 2006, 1:49 pm
Oct 20 2006, 2:10 pm
Wow, I haven't played that game, and it seems like the type of game I'd play, I knew some that I hadn't played still existed, to the interwebs!
I just got net play for N64 (Project64k) today, If you dont mind, I would like to join you guys maybe, but what system is that game for?
->Calus CoRPS<- |
Calus CoRPS wrote:
I just got net play for N64 (Project64k) today, If you dont mind, I would like to join you guys maybe, but what system is that game for? This is for snes and we're using zsnesw. |
Calus CoRPS wrote:
What is the ip or can only two people play? Only two at a time, sorry. :\ |
It's a SNES game, it had only two controller ports + the add on for very few games.