(See the best response by FKI.)
So associative list is actually a list of lists right??
So if I create a list of 100 lists does it count as 1 list or 101 towards the list limit in byond??

What I would 99% expect is the 101 lists since the 1 list would contain references to 100 more lists right??
Best response
An associative list is not a list of lists.

Associative lists are lists containing key/value pairs, where keys are associated with specific values. list[key] points to value, which can be a list or any other value.

// An example: setting up a global player list associatively


players = list()
players[ckey] = src

players -= ckey
players = null
To answer the actual question at hand though (what you're talking about are 3 dimensional lists), it would count as 101 lists. Any initialized lists will count towards the limit.

var/list/my_list = list("one"=list("one_one","one_two"),"two"=list("two_one","two_two"))

// 3 lists.
To clarify even further, an associative list is just a regular list with a binary tree attached. The binary tree contains key/value pairs, where each key is unique.