I really love where things are going with anime

The inclusion of alternate animation styles is a really great idea

It's great that they're trying to bring out other sides of characters through perfectly symmetrical, doll-like 3D models

But they also realize that the future might be too beautiful for us to handle, so they go back and give us a few frames of that archaic 2D animation every once in awhile

I'm glad they're using that sparingly, though. We need to move forward towards the future as quickly as possible. We need to find every amazing manga out there and give it a proper 2016 adaptation like Berserk. We need to let ALL OF OUR HOPES AND DREAMS CONTINUALLY BE CRUSHED AS SOME OF THE GREATEST WORKS OF ART IN MANGA HISTORY ARE DESECRATED BY SOME OF THE UGLIEST ANIME ADAPTATIONS KNOWN TO MANKIND. KEEP RAPING ME, FEMPTO! GIVE IT TO ME HARD!

Yeah, it looks great! Seriouslyhl ,g uys I mean it. Thers ntohing wryong wth it t all! im not mad. at least we got an adaptation right. its black swordsman guts animated. thats all we ever wanted right. its ok. happy as can be. im not going more and more insane the more i watch this. all good.
I guess this is a joke, this anime is disliked by pretty much everybody... manga readers are hating it for being so terrible, specially when it comes to animation.
Do you think we shouldn't be?
The animation style really doesn't bother me unless the anime itself sucks.

So for example, I don't like the new Digimon series. You couldn't get me to watch that in 2D, 3D, or any of the Ds.

I like the FFXV Brotherhood series though, which has some 3D tossed in.
2D animation for life lol
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
The animation style really doesn't bother me unless the anime itself sucks.

See that's just a silly thing to say. Animation is the main thing setting apart the anime from the manga. So if the animation sucks, the anime sucks -- whether or not the story is good. If the only thing you're going to be critical about is the story, you might as well not watch any anime and just read manga. But, no, you watch anime because it's entertaining and has an appealing art style. Berserk's art style isn't appealing, it's vomit-inducing. It's the most distracting thing I've ever seen.

A lot of anime mixes in 3D, like the one you mentioned. That never bothered me until this show. I mean, it always distracted me a little bit, but I was always able to look past it because the majority of any one of those shows looked great. In the case of Berserk, the majority of it looks like the first 4 screenshots I posted up there. Maybe 2-3 minutes of any show looks like that last one. So just about all you see for 20 minutes is this overly-distracting and hideous 3D animation. I'd much rather read the manga -- which has an amazing story -- than watch this dog shit. And I will.

There's 17 Gundam television series, ranging from 1979 to 2015. So let's examine the earliest and the latest and compare the animation.

This is from the original:

This is from the latest:

I don't even have to watch these to know which installment was better. Iron Blooded Orphans has way better animation, so it's the winner.

You know what, Fugsnarf? Your opinion is stupid and I hereby revoke your right to have one.

I'm actually confused at what point you're trying to make here. I never defined what I considered bad animation, just that Berserk 2016 fits in that category. I can watch the old Mobile Suit Gundam just fine. I don't find it ugly at all.
Have you watched Death Note and Naruto?

Which anime series do you think is best?
You're trying to lure me into saying I like Death Note more because I prefer the story -- thus proving your point. But that doesn't prove your point. Neither of the anime have grotesque animation like Berserk does. So, once you get past that point, of course you're going to judge the anime by its other traits. Of course everything from story to sound design to art style factors into that. Berserk doesn't even get the very foundation right -- the animation (in fact the sound design is also terrible, and they really really messed up the story by skipping the Black Swordsman and Lost Children arcs). Since neither Death Note nor Naruto make me want to vomit -- I'd say both even look pretty good -- I judge them for their other merits. Based on those merits, I personally prefer Death Note.

That's pretty much my standard for animation. If it makes me cringe, it's bad. Otherwise I move on and continue critically judging the anime based on everything else.
Your argument is that when judging an anime, you take into account the animation first and foremost. It's the "main thing" according to you.

My argument was that the anime in general, mainly the story, is the main criteria. In other words, a prettier anime series doesn't automatically mean better anime series.

The fact that you took two anime series and stated that the one with poorer animation was better is precisely the point. It doesn't matter that both of them individually are decently animated. This is why I asked you to compare the two. Anyone with two functioning eyes can see Naruto looks better than Death Note, however you will struggle to find anyone who will argue Death Note is a worse anime series than Naruto. You don't even hold that opinion yourself, after all.

Maybe this is a better way I can illustrate who has the "silliest" statement: if the main thing you care about is how awesome animation is, and you're an avid watcher of anime, there has to be at least 3 anime series that you can name off the top of your head that you watch almost solely because they look nice. This is the same thing I tell people who say graphics are the most important thing when it comes to games. "Name me 3 times you played a game and thought to yourself 'Oh wow, the game play is absolute crap, but the graphics are just so amazing that I can't put this game down!'"

If animation is that important to you, you should be able to provide instances in which you overlooked a poor story line or really forgettable characters in an anime and kept watching it anyway because the animation was incredibly good.
We're not even talking about the same thing. I'm not saying that better animation = better anime. I'm saying that animation that makes me cringe constantly = bad anime. Like I said, if it makes me cringe, it's bad. If it doesn't make me cringe, that's the last time I think too much about the animation unless it's really distracting in some other way. If you carefully read my comments, you'll notice I was consistent in this and you read too much into them.
If you're not saying that better animation = better anime, then there was no reason for you to call my statement "silly" because that's part of the point I was trying to make initially with the Digimon remark. I was saying I disliked the newest Digimon series to the point where I wouldn't have enjoyed it even if they had done something different with the animation. That's the same as saying better animation wouldn't = better anime.

And if you got anything else to say to me about it, say it to my face IRL bro.
In response to Fugsnarf
See that's just a silly thing to say. Animation is the main thing setting apart the anime from the manga. So if the animation sucks, the anime sucks -- whether or not the story is good.

We're not even talking about the same thing. I'm not saying that better animation = better anime. I'm saying that animation that makes me cringe constantly = bad anime. Like I said, if it makes me cringe, it's bad.

You contradicted yourself in so many ways.

Yutput said:
i hated this anime and my standards for anime are pretty low

the 3d just makes it look super cheap and effortless. like a byond anime game

I didn't like it at much at first, and to this day still don't. But everything else is on point, and as I watched it more, it became a non-issue.

I read the manga more-so though, so that could be why I'm interested regardless of the animation.
I didn't contradict myself considering what I said about bad animation. I said that the animation is paramount because that's exactly what the medium is -- an animation. So if the animation sucks, the anime sucks. What does it mean for the animation to suck? I outlined that already. I said nothing about animation quality and how that relates to the spectrum of how good an anime is. I was very black and white about it. If the anime looks like shit, the anime is shit. If it doesn't, then every other factor can come into play for me to judge it. Otherwise, it's far too distracting for me to find any value in it.

I love the manga. I've read through it three times, from the start to the latest chapter. That's particularly why this adaptation makes me so angry. Skipping so much story and producing the anime so poorly is like being slapped in the face to me. Miura holds his manga to such a high standard that it's incredibly sad to see his work treated like this.
He just poorly worded his initial argument.

At first he made it sound like animation was of the utmost importance. Then he goes onto say "No, I mean, the animation is only a big deal if it's unbearably bad. Otherwise, I don't think about it."

That's why I said he can see me IRL because I'm done talking about. If he wants to settle this he can meet me in the abandoned warehouse of his choosing. We can duke it out like men and that'll determine who's right and who's wrong. Upload the fight to YouTube and watch it start trending. Split the ad revenue 50/50. BYOND gets a brief surge in new visitors. Everyone wins.

sorry guys i like the 3d use
You mean the Golden Age movies? I think that's the only one on Netflix. I thought that looked fine, for the most part. Most of the criticism it got was for skipping a lot of really important plot points. But the original anime in the 90s did that too. Now they're just following suit in the new anime, but taking it to new extremes by skipping just about everything Black Swordsman related.
The issue with the 2016 beserk cgi effects is that the frame rate is so low it looks like a slide show, i mean it looks cool but i wish it was all smoother
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