Since version 510, the webclient has been able to use fallback sounds, where sound.file is a list rather than a single file. Although this was added to the language already it was not documented, because there was no support in Dream Seeker. Now Dream Seeker also supports fallback sounds, for when a format isn't supported.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (511.1348)

This issue has been resolved.
The webclient has had sound fallbacks since 510. Why not DS?
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Since version 510, the webclient has been able to use fallback sounds, where sound.file is a list rather than a single file. Although this was added to the language already it was not documented, because there was no support in Dream Seeker. Now Dream Seeker also supports fallback sounds, for when a format isn't supported.
You're on a fucking roll.