BYOND Version:510
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 51.0.2704.103
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
The sanity check for client.view is:

1: much much too low. (ss13 used to be able to handle 54x54 just fine)

2: (more importantly) based off of the monitor size, not the map view size. meaning if you are on a widescreen with a game that has a side panel (like in the default skin) you have a widescreen letterbox'ed game inside what is mostly a square box.

I'd like to see this changed to work off the size of the map view to avoid letterboxing, and increased because of the new smaller size it would compare with (4x maybe?)

as a related FR, there needs to be a way to override it flat out.

as another related FR, it would be nice if the old limit of 5,000 tiles or whatever it was, was removed or expanded. it would be useful for screen shots and automated generating of map images.
The sanity check is there to avoid crashes; I'm not sure there's any reasonable way to simply eliminate it or make it optional. And it has to be based on screen size, not map size, because it's about controlling the size of the drawing surface.

I can at least try moving the sanity check further out for the next release.
What is it about the high view size that causes the crash, if I may ask?
Memory issues mostly, I'd assume. Especially on lower end machines, every tile you add to the view range exponentially increases the load on the client, memory and CPU. I have to assume at some point the client just goes 'nope'.
Is that the case if the sanity check is a function of screen size?
I'm not entirely sure of the specifics, but the limit has existed for as long as I've used DM (since 1999), but it was actually much lower back then, it's been increased I think two or three times since then. Guessing as computers got better the limit could be increased, but we're not exactly going to be having BYOND able to access any resources beyond what it's accessing now (single thread and 32-bit limitations), so I don't know how feasible raising it TOO much further could be.
no, nadrew, this is a new one, as of ~1341:
Oh that thing, I figured you were talking about the limits on the size in general. =P
Yeah, I also posted about this here with a 1920x1080 monitor.