I have realized that making a blog post every day for the past four or five days may seem like I'm overdoing it, but I want to keep everyone informed on changes to the game [A Forged War]. And with that, I have some good news!
Remember those bland forest graphics I was using? Well say no more to forests, I just freaking modernized the game by creating an entirely new graphics set (this is a .png file that I set to proportion for 32 x 32 graphics, it basically saves me a lot of time as I can just import it and everything will be the exact size and in the exact place I want it to be) for cities. Granted right now it's rather dull and repetitive, but as time goes on I'll change things around and make them better.
Here's four screen shots of the new map look:

Yes, I know, one very long road. But hey, once tanks are in it won't feel so big.

I don't think I've taken a picture of it yet, but that circle thing is your marker that shows you where your troop is going, it only appears for a few seconds when you tell him to go somewhere. It's been in since Monday now.
Maybe you haven't seen the new one as yoiu did say the first few weeks I was working on it (assuming you mean the first few weeks when the game came out). Games like that are fun, but usually only for a week a month, so that's why it gets boring. But the next month it should be fun again for a week, etc.
Thanks for the compliment on this game, I hope it will be more intertaining as the maps will eventually be made for two players, and likewise eight players per game, in addition tanks, grenaders and rocketeers will add a whole new challenge to the game (Snipers and Medics just upped that). Then turret will make it more strategic based than just "oh, make two medics and five snipers and you'll win."
Plus, what you usually don't see in modern-based RTSs is a source of food. Eventaully this game will use a kitchen system. Each kitchen feeds 10 troops, so it does limit your troops as if you can't feed them, they'll slowly die of starvation. Then I plan to add Oil Refinery's. Only one of these will ever be needed, and what it'll do is for every 1/3rd oil you get from one of yuor Oil Derek's, it'll be converted in to fuel for automobiles, which will be needed for tanks and trucks.
So yeah, strategy will majorely be involved in this game in the future, it'll just take time to program it all, and since I also have to do the icons, icon them all.