This is a intended to be a continuation of Dragonball Z:Legacy of Goku, but this game uses the source of Dragonball Z:Saiyan Revenge.
Game Owner:Game Killer
Staff Rules:
Don't be an idiot just because you don't like someone. Result:Ban,Demotion
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, edit yourself. Result:Admin strip, ban
Don't come online and be a jerk just because you're in a bad mood. Take it somewhere else. Result:Demotion, Ban
Respect all players and fellow GM/Admin's.
Player Rules
Respect GM/Admin, and all of the fellow players.
Don't ask to be summoned without a legit reason, admin's are not taxi's, only your helpers.
Don't spam the server, and don't spam kill. Also keep cursing to a minimum, it make's the community look bad.
DON'T use racial slurs, that's offensive to everyone even if they are not that race.
Have fun, we're working on a Forum, so just be patient. I also need help with the staff, so if you want Admin, just talk to me online or add me on pager, or you could add my MSN.
[email protected]
![]() Dec 8 2009, 10:00 pm