Take_Damage(Amount,mob/Opponent,DType = "Physical")
if(Opponent.Monster==1) goto Continue
runtime error: Cannot read null.Monster
proc name: Take Damage (/mob/proc/Take_Damage)
usr: Rat(/mob/Enemies/Rat)
src: SoulGamesProductions(/mob)
usr.loc: Turf (588,23,4) (/turf/Floor)
src.loc: Turf (588,21,4) (/turf/Floor)
call stack:
Problem description:Good night,I cant check if the mob is a monster,that always shows.
If you showed that, it would be clear that you're not giving a mob to the Opponent parameter when you call Take_Damage() in the next proc in the call stack, or that the mob reference that you are passing it is null.