So I was browsing the YouTubes as I normally do and I heard some yip yappin' about the new Fergie video so I was like "sure I'll watch this, how bad can it be?"

My thoughts on the video:
- Where do I sign up to become Fergie's boy toy?
- It's not the WORST song I've ever heard
- Kim's waist tho...

Usually before I click off a video I like to scroll down and take a peeps at the comments just to observe the shit storm because it's virtually impossible to NOT find a shit storm in the comments on a YouTube video. I've seen people arguing about whether or not God exists on videos about baby turtles, so yeah.

Sure enough, I come across the usual "oh my god, this is so distasteful. she is a mother now, where is her dignity? she's showing too much skin, she's talking about sex, we're living in the last days, we're literally on the verge of the apocalypse" and my reaction was

This is the same thing people said about Beyonce when Blue Ivy was born and she dropped this video.

"Why is she advertising her body like that? My body is only for my man to see! I don't understand why women show their body off!"

Can we grow up please? I will never understand how in 2016 we still treat tits and vagina as like, these sacred protrusions and orifices that shan't ever be revealed! Ancient Mayans had a custom where they would slice open their scrotum and bleed out to appease the "god of fertility". Come on people, we're not Mayans. I'd like to think we've gotten at least a LITTLE smarter since 2000 BC. What's between your legs is not sacred. The nipples on your chest are not sacred. Your butt cheeks are not sacred ( unless you're Yut Butt ). It amazes how someone can make a music video, which isn't even the most explicit example I've seen on YouTube, and people throw tantrums in the comments like she's the most appalling woman to ever exist and should be burned at the stake because she expresses an interest in sexuality after having procreated.

It's cool to have opinions, but it's not cool to tell two other people what the stipulations of their marriage should be. If you're in a relationship where you tell your wife she can't twerk half naked in a music video, bravo, good for you buddy! That doesn't mean whoever Fergie's involved with has to have the same outlook on it as you do. I would imagine if she's singing wearing a leotard in a tub full of milk, her man ( if she even has one, I don't follow her enough to know ) doesn't have a problem with it otherwise he could end the relationship. If he doesn't care, why do you? If a man wants his wife to flaunt what she's got, whatever works for them works for them. Same with open relationships. If a man doesn't care that his wife occasionally bangs another dude, who are you to intrude into that relationship and say "Uhh, you guys need to take this open relationship and close it!" People are so occupied with trying to dictate the relationships of others. That's probably the reason why so many relationships fail - people have all the answers in the world for every other marriage, but no solutions for their own.

The role model thing needs to stop too. First of all, if you as a parent are looking for society to produce role models for your child to look up to, you've already failed as a parent. The "Oh my god, imagine young girls watching this video who will grow up thinking its okay to be a whore" remarks are asinine. The "slut" term should also be eradicated. It's literally the pot calling the kettle black here. With nearly a quarter of all marriages involving infidelity and even more people admitting to willingness to have extramarital sex if they could find some way to get away with it, I don't think too many people are in a position to call other people "sluts". This goes for men and women. The same people bashing Taylor Swift for how many guys she's been involved with have probably had multiple partners as well. This is a Christian country, right? Last time I checked, around 70-ish percent of Americans identify as Christian. How does that one quote by Jesus go? "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"? I think that saying applies to this situation. If you want to call yourself a Christian, you might want to start by following Christ's teachings instead of being exactly like the people he spoke out against. Ironically, he said that quote after confronting a group of people who were condemning a woman for being a whore.

And as far as a mother being sexual in public affecting her own child, you know what I would like to see? I would like to see less parents who dance around the subject of sex and actually be as blunt and direct about it as possible. That would be nice. What exactly is the benefit of teaching your kids to be paranoid of ass and titties? We are humans. We like bodies. We like sex. That is simply who and what we are and have been for thousands upon thousands of years. I didn't choose to get a boner and salivate whenever I see an attractive woman, it happens on its own. The same applies to the opposite gender. We are sexual, horny bastards. Get over it. Did you know that YouPorn has an eSports team but they were banned from certain competitions? The "Team YP" doesn't even have porn on it nor does it link back to or mention anything about porn on the site. The mere fact that a person in the adult industry also decided they had an interest in gaming and tried to start up a team made certain people in eSports go bonkers. "Wait, YouPorn is trying to make eSports endeavors? Ain't those the same guys that like naked tiddys? Ain't nobody got time for dat!" Meanwhile later on that day they probably went home and banged their wives, because sex is completely fine except when it's recorded and posted on the internet, then two people penetrating each other is literally the most disgusting act a human could ever commit and you should be ashamed of yourself and speak to a psychiatrist because your mind is utterly and totally corrupt and masturbation makes you go blind and you're going to burn in Hell for infinity and beyond.

I just don't understand this world sometimes. That's my rant for today.
Please stop
I come at this from a completely different angle: I have no interest in Fergie's video because I find her music annoying. Her solo music bugs me, and I'd pay good money to see a live-action episode of Celebrity Deathmatch featuring the Black Eyed Peas vs. Pitbull with no winners.

I also have no interest in judging her, partly because it's a waste of time but even more so because among the great big list of distasteful music videos, disgusting public exhibitions, the cast of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, and all things Kardashian, I don't see how anything Fergie could do here could ever rate.

In the '90s Time magazine ran a cover with a nude woman clutching a baby, celebrating motherhood. That was a good 20 years ago. The line Fergie is supposedly crossing has been trampled so thoroughly you can barely see any paint flecks left, and at this point it's easier to see footprints left behind by the first creatures to climb out of the primordial polka. And seriously: is it at all controversial that a mom should still be sexy and want to show her body off? There's about as much shock value in that as that one time Katy Perry kissed a girl and liked it.

Nobody serious is actually freaking out over Fergie's video, because nobody cares. We're basically just talking about extremist nutballs and the same silly YouTube comment trolls who got the vapors over the mixed-race couple in that Cheerios commercial.
I agree with the second half of Lummox JR's comment. Everyone's a critic nowadays especially since they have a nice computer screen to hide behind.

We are sexual, horny bastards.

Music, love, sex.

There's about as much shock value in that as that one time Katy Perry kissed a girl and liked it.

Omg i love that song :D.
Ah feminists. Women should be proud to show off their body but never show it off. #Logic
In response to Ghost of ET
Great taste in music :)
Ah feminists. Women should be proud to show off their body but never show it off. #Logic

Exactly. If you talk about rape, feminists are like "a girl has every right to walk down the street wearing a thong!"

When Miley Cyrus twerks on stage wearing virtually nothing or swings back and forth on a wrecking ball naked, feminists are like "why objectify yourself? you look like a complete slut!"

This is why modern feminist movement is pure cancer.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
This is why modern feminist movement is pure cancer.

One of the main reasons why I consider myself egalitarian. The #Don'tBeADick school of thought.
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
Great taste in music :)

Do you share it :D?
In response to Ghost of ET
Ghost of ET wrote:
Kozuma3 wrote:
Great taste in music :)

Do you share it :D?

It was popular I guess for a bit in my location, I enjoyed it :D
You're a virgin.
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
You're a virgin.


I'm getting some action as we speak. It's called multi-tasking.
In response to EmpirezTeam
What's his name?
In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
What's his name?

In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
What's his name?

Good thing suicide hotlines are free.
In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
What's his name?

serena williams
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Kats wrote:
What's his name?

serena williams

Nick Jonas is a more feminine woman than that.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Kats wrote:
What's his name?

serena williams

Nick Jonas is a more feminine woman than that.

I think you meant Jared Leto.

If that isn't a pretty woman, I don't know what is.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Nadrew wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Kats wrote:
What's his name?

serena williams

Nick Jonas is a more feminine woman than that.

I think you meant Jared Leto.

If that isn't a pretty woman, I don't know what is.

My boner is so confused...
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