I don't know if I've ever mentioned it around BYOND (I believe I have), but in addition to my massive DBZ collection, I also have a fairly large (though not nearly as large) collection of old TMNT stuff...
http://www.geocities.com/SuperSaiyanGokuX/TMNTCollection/ (Be sure to check out the link under one of those pics!)
In addition to what is pictured there, I own the first two movies on VHS and DVD, the soundtracks to those movies on cassette, a large stuffed Michaelangelo (carnival prize style), and the 1st issue of the Archie Comics TMNT line (and a few other non-noteworthy issues of the comic)... I used to have a ton of the various Burger King toys and such from back then, and the movie poster for TMNT 1, but who knows where it's all gone since...
Back in the day, I was a HUGE fan of TMNT... If I had the buying power then that I did when DBZ took over, I'd probably have a much larger collection than that modest amount...lol
It was about that time that I began drawing as a hobby (though I haven't really done any of it in "analog" for far too long now), and I drew TMNT religiously... I wish I still had more of my old TMNT artwork...
Ahhh, good old nostalgia...
Can't wait for the new CGI movie!
![]() Oct 17 2006, 11:30 pm
![]() Oct 17 2006, 11:35 pm
I have some TMNT stuff on my computer but I'd get banned from the front page if I showed it. :3
Oh my... I guess I should have assumed that stuff existed, but it never really occured to me...lol
I had a really good Christmas one year and got piles of figures and the turtle blimp all at once. Needless to say that thing was sweet. The only thing I really needed was more footsoldiers and vehicles (I eventually got the base, a bike and I think the van).
Ya, I was the same way SSGX, except my family didn't quite have the financial situation you seemed to be in so I wasn't able to get as much as you did. However, I do have a good chunk of those toys that you have, especially the Turtle's home set and Technodrome, but I was very rough with them and not careful in their placement...so Donatello's missing a arm and alot of the smaller pieces are long lost. :\
Contrary to what it may seem, we weren't exactly a rich family... Growing up I never really had any need for anything, though, so we must've been alright (a testament to my father's many overtime hours put into work, more than anything) But we certainly weren't affluent... My clothes and shoes have always been Wal*Mart/K*Mart stuff, for instance (a trend I continue to this very day), we lived in apartments until I was in the 6th grade, and I can only remember 2 family vacations where we actually left the area...lol
But mostly my fortune comes from having a large number of relatives... My father is one of 7 kids... So with that many uncles and aunts (not to mention grandparents), it meant a lot of gifts at Christmas and Birthdays... And when you're a kid who has only a few interests (then, it was basically Lego and TMNT), everyone who asks "what do you want for Christmas?" gets the same answer (and you end up getting a lot of those particular items)...lol Also fortunately for me, I'm one of the types who hates things out of place, and keeps everything nice (in fact, it actually bothers me to see kids pulling things apart, or losing pieces to stuff...lol) Though some of these figures are showing signs of wear (the paint is rubbing off of the shells in some places on the turtles) On top of that, I've always been good with money (a talent picked up from my father), so I was one of the kids who could save up to buy stuff instead of spending every dime on stupid crap as soon as it hit my pocket...lol Of course, if you look at my DBZ collection, that was made almost entirely on my own hard-earned money... |
Those rock so hard, all of the TNMT figures I had when I was growing up are either lost or broken.
Well, currently, my BYOND plate is rather full... Just getting Murder Mansion updated is work enough, and then I've got some other small side projects that I've been wanting to finish and/or update (SkyWurm needs a bit more work, High Seas could use some polish, and I even want to go back to my "PizzaComp" game I made for a contest a long time ago and turn it into something cooler, and then I've got a couple of extra things lying around in my BYOND bin that I'd like to release someday)
So I'm not very willing to take up yet another ambitious project (and if I made a TMNT game, it would sure as heck be handled with the same level of care I put into my other fangame, which would mean a LOT of work for me...lol) However, the thought has crossed my mind once or twice, and I'd honestly love to make one... I just don't know if I've got the time... Plus, with a few quality TMNT games out on the console market (and even more if you go back to older systems/emulation) I just don't know if I could compete... |
I think if TMNT was going to come to BYOND it would work best as a linear team-puzzle game. Sort of like Lost Vikings or Lego StarWars, but instead of 1-2 player it could be 1-4 (or more I guess).
DarkView wrote:
I think if TMNT was going to come to BYOND it would work best as a linear team-puzzle game. Sort of like Lost Vikings or Lego StarWars, but instead of 1-2 player it could be 1-4 (or more I guess). That would be awesome, Lost Vikings alone was great. But mixed with TMNT? You've just put me in mental paradise. |
I can see where that could go... Each turtle is supposed to have his own personality and abilities, yet in pretty much all TMNT games thus far, they're completely interchangeable (just a different color, weapon graphic/animation, and voice, but still essentially all the same "mob type")...
A Lost Vikings type of game would allow the developer to actually give each one their own strengths and style (Donatello would obviously be able to handle any technical obstacles, like hacking into security doors, building tools/weapons... Raph could be the muscle of the group, using his anger and aggressive personality to plow through enemies... Leo could, uh, lead...lol and Mikey could be the, well, something cool...lol) Though the game should still focus on combat... I mean, that's what the Ninja Turtles do...lol |
I'd probably have Leo as the best fighter. Raph can move large things and bust up doors that noone else can. Mikey would probably be the agile type. The one who can walk across normally too narrow beams or swing over things.
You could even work in Splinter, April and Casey Jones as mobs you can take control of during a level. Spinter would be small enough to squeeze through gaps the others can't. April could talk to humans to get you into new areas (ie, talk to a security guard to distract him while the turtles sneak past). |