Alright, so let's get right to it! Rogues are pretty much finished! With their entire skill set being completed, minus 1 skill and a lot of revision they went through this week, they're very much playable. The technique that's missing is their ability to summon clones, which is a little harder to complete than it sounds. When Rogues have an active clone around, it alters their abilities, adding special/extra moves. This can be completed this week!
So this week, Rogue abilities were changed quite a bit, not only in ability, but art as well (very flashy).
Slice N Dice
I wanted to make sure I share this first! Slice N Dice targets nearby enemies, up to 5, dealing damage twice to each.
Rogues now have a built in dashing mechanic that works outside of Stealth.
Blind Side
Blind Side has been updated to knockdown opponents you run into. This is only performed in Stealth, and will cancel your stealth upon impact.
Cleave effect has been updated.
Achilles Heel
Perform a sweeping kick that knocks down enemies in front of you.
Killing Blow
This technique only works on downed enemies. Deals extra damage.
Strike through your enemies, dealing piercing damage.
Zane has been slaving away at maps, which will begin being added into the game this week as well. And I really can't wait to run around in these maps!
That's the town square where I'll be sitting AFK throughout the day. For anyone who didn't get the RO reference, GMs used to sit AFK in town square constantly when the game was active.
This is another section of the town. The benefits from hand drawn maps are really starting to show. There's a lot of detail that can be put into any little aspect. However, we're going to continue using our in game map editor to add in a lot of the environment as well. We feel like both methods will work really well together.
There's a few things that need to be sorted out. The control scheme turned out to be a bit more complicated than anticipated, but hopefully we'll be able to come up with something later this week. Rogues will continue to be worked on before we move onto building the game and expanding LoF's world.
With the new server improvements, I've added lerping to the live server, allowing smooth transitions in between movements. This still needs some more tweaking but I absolutely love how well everything moves during live play compared to before!
BTW, we've become a lot more active on Twitter, so if you haven't already followed us, you can catch what we're working on throughout the week there.
Here's one more GIFt for the road. With the recent server optimizations, the amount of active AI running around has increased by miles!
Which means when I'm just chilling AFK in the town center and feel like spawning a bunch of mobs for a quick event, everything will turn out A-OK.
Can't wait to share what we'll have next week with you guys! See you then!