I've been plagued with a very weird bug for sometime now.
Whenever a sound is outputted it displays a random mob instead.
I believe somehow the sound rsc gets corrupted from savefiles somehow.
This corruption just happens randomly and is slightly rare, I have to delete the server savefiles inorder for sound to work correctly again. Does anyone know have any idea what would cause this.
Jun 26 2016, 12:01 am
Alright, well I can assure you guys it has nothing to do with any recent versions of BYOND. I've been experiencing this problem for multiple years, And was never able to find a sound solution to the problem besides completely removing a few saving features. This problem shows up more frequently when I had a map saving feature implemented. And would only appear when loading the maps. I notice the problem appears more frequently when saving MOBs, and less frequently on OBJS and never happens when saving turfs. If you guys can offer any ideas on what could cause this glitch/bug please share.
But no, the rsc itself isn't changed at any point after you compile it, a dyn.rsc will be created for any dynamic resources.