An example:
Take a look at this snippet from an SS13 map:

As you can see, the airlock is completely obscuring the tile, so you can't immediately see the pipes and wires underneath it. Of course you can right click the tile to see them, but that's cumbersome.
Of course we could set the alpha of the airlock's type to something like 100, which would solve the problem, but it brings some issues up too. First of all we'd need to fix the alpha in New(), not to mention it ruins initial(), is harder to override... it's a big can of worms.
So what I'm suggesting is that we'd have "_mapping" variables for all appearance flags (including name, to organize instances better).
So, we'd set the "_mapping_alpha" variable of the airlocks to 100. In the mapper the airlock becomes transparent and we can easily see the things underneath it, but in game, and to the other code, it looks as if alpha is just the default.
I believe this would add a ton of QoL to mapping.