Kunark wrote:
I think by 100% original, they meant no copyrighted material or fan material, Wiz. If a game can be disqualified for an unoriginal idea, then Paint should be disqualified for being like Pictionary, and Meteor should be disqualified for being like Missile Defense.

And for that matter, Hex disqualified for well ,being Hex.

World, that was a really bad joke. =\
Gah, I wanted a memberhsip but I'm pretty satisified with the score of SpaceSweeper. Guess I'l try again in the next one or somethin..
Erm *shifty eyes* what extremely bad joke do you speak of? *makes sure that it was deleted permanently*
Atleast the contest wasn't judged by it's peers. Who knows what kind of chaos that would have been. Although i find some of the games shown to have odd judgings in certain areas, which leads me to wonder what some people were thinking. Too bad the category of whether it is a unique concept or not didn't exist. I still think BYOND isn't a great place for contests, since participation and/or effort is usually non-existant, not that people don't.
I'm surprised at Ruin's score of 8 for performance. I'm not sure about what system the judges were playing it on, but it certainly chugs a bit on mine. :P.

Maybe it's a good thing that I can't get the dynamic lighting stuff working. That would make it a good bit slower. :P.

Plus, it takes a fair while for levels to draw. Particularly deep levels.

Can't really argue with the score for graphics, though. I can't draw. :P
I've changed my mind, when ever you're ready, please give the membership to DeathAwaitsU (for anyone wondering about why I changed my mind; it's because I want more space and the 50 MB offer is still up).
Karnlor- I agree. Some had unusually higher scores than I though. Some were ranked worse than I though. :(. But that's what happens when you average peoples' opinions...

Oy. That's where cutting the highest and lowest in each category comes in handy. Getting rid of what could be called biased, leaving the cream of the crop in the middle. Of course dependant on how many judges, maybe cutting even more.
Also, I don't know where Iccusion is formally asking where to send prizes to, but on behalf of ATP Development, we'd like the membership to go to "Tommq" and the $5 to go via paypal to [email protected].

So, when can we expect the money to be sent out?
The prizes have been handed out! Congratulations to everybody! See you at the next contest!
Thanks, Iccusion!
has koil claimed his prize yet?
I want my god damn membership guys.

Thanks for lowering the prizes, I tried really damn hard on this contest.
I am sorry that you are upset about the prize changes, Jermman, but being 10th does not entitle you to any prizes either way. Best of luck next time.
DarkHorizon wrote:
has koil claimed his prize yet?

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