So by now after all the alpha-testing, beta-testing, and wipe-launching, there should be an understanding that the game still needs some "work". Aside from the bugs and errors we've run into, there's still some things I haven't gotten around too. Throughout the games downtime most of my work was tied up with debugging rather than actually getting to add things so as this new-wipe launches expect "frequent" updates from time to time as the game progresses.
Well first off we'll start with finishing up all learn-able and non-learnable skills as we shift into concluding the super form systemics. The "Empire-Maps" will most likely be finished or re-done completely as we go by. Don't forget new custom race tiers along with many more new custom races. We'll have to modify the P.G.W(Pineal Gland Will; A system made designed with the reality of "self". Combining the consciousness of your pineal, the will of your power, and your nutritious diet to add to your players own uniqueness which signifies their overall potential.). Expect new hairs and clothes for kids as well, lol we didn't forget about the mini-me's either.
Perhaps as we progress we'll run into a a few surprising updates & in the future I'll remind myself to give you guys an update log so you can keep notice.
But as of now, expect the game up no later than Friday, if not today :)
- L8tr <3