So... Yeah, yesterday, I sent in a support request to BYOND relating to DivineO'Peanut's spamming of the hub with some increasingly random images inside of the topic string of several games, and invading their hubspace by abusing the fact that these games' "Creators" are too dumb to set a hub password...
Whatever the case, There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour. And all of you who egged him on, and sent him game requests to spam next... What the hell were you guys thinking?
Come on, regardless of the fact you hate those games, or that they were indeed rips, it's not your place to spam their hubs at all!
Did Divine even see any consequence for his actions? Did he recieve a ban, or did he just slip out of it unscathed?
Anybody got any clue what else happened to him?
![]() Oct 15 2006, 9:32 pm
ATHK, you don't have a good history on the forum, too. Insulting every single newbie that asks for help. And it seems that you still cannot control yourself.
I'm not defending Divine here, but you are absolutely not in the place to bash him. P.S. did the comma-button on your keyboard broke when you were slamming the keys while typing such an flaming message while you could not control yourself once? =/ |
Heh. Calm it down, guys, ATHK does have a point. Most of it stems from other users giving him props for doing this stupid crap. Whatever, it's not my business to tell BYOND what they need to do with him, so I'll nose out of that, though, I agree, ATHK is right, if he isn't stopped, he's only going to get worse.
Spamming the hub is just the first step towards bugging games and bringing them down. |
I think this points out a flaw in user education. I think that most of the developers(of the lower end bracket of BYOND) don't know about hub password.
Sure, what he was doing was wrong all together, but it does point out a problem(I really doubt that is what he wanted to do) that should probably be tackled. I haven't created a hub entry for probably over a year, but last I knew, there was no message or warning about hub password. A simple message suggesting that they set it and how to include the variable in game would probably go a long ways. |
Heh. Calm it down, guys Oops, couldn't control myself at the time either. Sorry. >_> |
Nonononononononono, you are mistaken!
While I have *cough*deeper*cought* reasons, one of my main purposes was to annoy mature personnel such as yourselves using immature and inappropriate, plain, clean, spam. Hub spam, that is, or if you'd prefer, clogging random hubs with images. And gain attention, of course. =) That said, I expect punishment from the BYOND Staff, whether it's a permanant ban, or just for a week, I will not complain. I do admit failure on my part, though, the images were shabby, and I forgot to add pornographic material. I was bored. =P note: the following content is saracasm. But meh, why do I care? I spoke with Dantom himself, he said he's gonna make me co-owner of BYOND, so please, shut your mouths before I unlatch this door of various punishments! |
"I was bored. =P"
lol im gonna send viruses to everyone but its okay because im bored |
DivineO'peanut wrote:
I was bored. =P And with that sentence, you have just lost the right to even talk to me. -- Data |
"But meh, why do I care? I spoke with Dantom himself, he said he's gonna make me co-owner of BYOND, so please, shut your mouths before I unlatch this door of various punishments!
" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH " P.S. did the comma-button on your keyboard broke when you were slamming the keys while typing such an flaming message while you could not control yourself once? =/" Actully i could control myself and its not broken i was in a hurry i don't care if it sounds rude itsthe internet are you going to cry over text? if so your a fucking little pussy " That said, I expect punishment from the BYOND Staff, whether it's a permanant ban, or just for a week, I will not complain." Yea i bet you won't even fucking get anything just a slap on the wrist byond will pretend nothing ever happened and blame it on other people just telling you to do it in other words "the devil made him do it we can't ban him" |
Android Data wrote:
DivineO'peanut wrote: Meh who cares about you, you pretty much did that same thing.. |
ATHK, you really need to calm down. Like you said, it is just the Internet. There is no reason to troll about as you do. Leave your problems at the door when you enter your computer room.
Although people probably shouldn't "cry" over anything on the Internet, they are still people. I get annoyed look at you lash out at random people and not give a hoot about simple spelling, grammar, or simple capitalization. If you were to email your boss the way you tend to talk around here, do you believe that he would say "Oh well, it is just the Internet."? |
"ATHK, you really need to calm down" I am calm .. its the internet how the hell could you know that i am not calm?
"and not give a hoot about simple spelling, grammar, or simple capitalization." So what you can still read it, its not like i talking like a freaking DBZ 1337 person.. "they are still people" actully Android Data claims to be an android so |
Sure, you aren't as bad as a "DBZ 1337" person, but sometimes you are rather hard to understand. Not saying that I am a master at clarity or anything, but sometimes you are downright incomprehensible.
Look this isn't about the way i type so live with it..
ITs about that noob devineOpeanut or whatever his lame ass name is, i want to see action from the byond staff not a little slap on the bottom HURRY UP YOU LAZY PEOPLE... they won't ever do it and we all know it,. |
Sure, what he did does warrant some response as far as I can see, but to be honest, I really don't think a very long ban will do much at all. And you seem to be driven from another personal event on your will to have him banned. Besides this, and stuff most people do in the chats, I really don't see anything wrong with him. Very rarely is a user banned for a first major offence, unless it is truly major, like using BYOND to spread viruses or something.
Yes but it is easy enough to get back in even if you did do this i mean Android Data is back.. byond has gone soft.
I just want to see some action i am bored lol.. |
True, Android Data was an odd case, but from what I heard, once they figured out who he was(After he had been a member of the community for a few months or something), they had a big discussion and basically decided that if he can keep his name clean he would stay, but with just a little provocation, they would ban him again.
[edit]But to answer your statement, BYOND has not gone soft[/edit] |
And its about time someone reported it instead of all the people not mentioning anyones names they are mostly in wiz_chat egging him on.
BTW nice layout on the blog man.