Bleach Shini Revolution

by Shadeslayerelder
Test bleach game...

Bleach Shini Revolution


People of Importance


Master Admins:



Trial Enforcers:

Please Note: We do not have a forum at this time. Please ask owner to summon you and
ask them in say about Trial. Also, GMs are payed more attention to by the owners.
If you become a trial enforcer, dont think you are not important, you will
be given the same attention as a Master Admin.


~Rules and Regulations~

~.:Player Rules:.~

1.) Respect ALL Owners/Admins/Enforcers!
(They help make the game fun for you, so don't ruin the game for

2.) No Adult Content...
(This rule seems obvious, kids play these games... so be a good)

3.) Minimize offensive language...
(try to keep this a clean environment)

4.) Have fun...(games are ment to be fun... so enjoy it :) )

5.) Follow all the rules...

6.) Admins reserve the right to edit/add rules if the need arises....

~.:GM RULES:.~

1.) Follow all player rules... obviously.

2.) No abusing... obvious also...

3.) Report mutes and bans to Owners...

4.) Help Players... (I thought this was obvious also... but there are
always those "BUM" gms who don't help much... )
