![]() Jun 2 2016, 10:00 pm
I am going to be working on a GOA game and make some changes to it as this one I will be hosting.
![]() Jul 13 2016, 4:23 pm
Everyone Join I am testing this source out for 2 week it's going to be up before I work on it if any bugs tell me Kage auto level 100 Kages and chuunin are available
The GOA game is now up whoever wants to join can now be able to join it but I haven't gotten the game to show up on the hub yet so I am going to send you the link it is byond:// thanks in advance!!!
The game is back up and running so if you want too Join you can chunnin will be 3 day from now if we get 15 players byond://
Join everyone the GOA game is up chuunin exams is in 3 days if we have 15 players and Kages is in 5 days later
This is the final call on the game is now up whoever wish to Join here is the link byond://