usr.hairr = input("How Much Red for your Eyes?", "Red") as num
usr.hairg = input("How Much Green for your Eyes?", "Green") as num
usr.hairb = input("How Much Blue for your Eyes?", "Blue") as num
H.color = list(1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, usr.hairr/255,usr.hairg/255,usr.hairb/255)
Problem description: Oh I don't even know, the code was working just fine a day or two ago, and this morning, without any further editing to it being done, it stopped working.
It's not clear offhand why your verb (I hope it's a verb anyway, because you're using usr) isn't working. I would recommend showing the whole thing.
Also, I'm not sure why it's asking about eye color but setting hair color.