Bleach: Hollow Flash

by DragonWingRayne
Bleach: Hollow Flash
Dive into the world of Bleach!
To host that is
YoU dOn'T kNoW mE bRo, I'vE bEeN oN bYoNd FoR yEaRs AnD hAd To GeT a NeW aCcOuNt BeCaUsE mInE gOt HaCkEd.

TeNdIeS aRe ThE oNlY tHiNg ThAt PuTs Me In ThE nApPiNg MoOd.

SoMeBoDy OnCe ToLd Me ThE wOrLd Is GoNnA rOlL mE.

GeT oUt MuH SwUmP!
I think this nigga Raven broken, quick sombody call 9-11
Word on the street Perm loves his tendies, hard fucking core.

BUT he doesn't have enough Good Boy Points :(

1 like = 1 prayer for Perm to get Good Boy Points.
Giff BBF :/
In response to Sexy Raven
good thing is better than bhf lol! :)
In response to WannaComeAtMeBro
Yeah but uh, I don't feel like paying 100 dollars as a requirement to win?

Or was it 1000?
In response to WannaComeAtMeBro
Also Perm has gotten his 30 Tendies, he acquired 100 good boy points and spent them. He is happy now :)
At least my hard earned money is going somewhere! Seath wouldn't even accept my humble donation because he's too stupid!! :)
This kid spends money to make himself feel better bc he so bad at games. Go back to your home in SWs or BWWA.
I feel really sad knowing that people who work for their money can't use it the ways they want but that's what usually happens when they can't fully sustain themselves, huh? I'm sure you know all about that, especially in every game I kick your ass in l0l
Yeah, you really kicked my ass in BTFBR and NTFBR, the game where every single one of your admins decided to commit mutiny, change the code to benefit their own selves, and eventually turn the game into their own, breaking the code beyond belief, all the while you decided to be too much of a bitch to do a thing about it :)
It wasn't my game. The only game I will ever own is Boruto the Final Battle. You can't even really clump me with them. I wonder how you would know this much about game development? Did you orbit your boyfriend enough to grasp even bare bone basics?
You don't know me bro, I've been on Byond for years and had to get a new account because mine got hacked. Excuses don't mean shit everybody has a life and just because your dumb ass chose to make a game and put up with little bitches like those retarded BRs doesn't mean you should get sympathy.
That's something Jon Sudano would say. I mean, everyone puts up with retards, right? Just look at you!
Yeah, it pains me to deal with retarded kids like Onik everyday :( Thanks for noticing my plight tho m8. You understand me.
Nigga shut the fuck up or smd faggot
Stupid bird
This man Klee really said we respect Kuro, bitch speak for yourself
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